Workshop at the Ubud Festival: Writing for the Young Adult Audience (Indonesia)

18 September 2012
Workshop at the Ubud Festival: Writing for the Young Adult Audience (Indonesia)
Date: 4 October 2012 (1:30pm - 4:30pm)

If you’ve always wanted to write for the lively young adult fiction market but didn’t know where to start, here is your chance to give it a try. This workshop will offer an overview of the craft of writing young adult fiction, from generating ideas through character, point-of-view, tone, setting, structure, handling of time, intended age of audience to editing a final draft. We will be looking at some successful contemporary YA texts but, if you have one with you, do bring along a favourite to share. We will be doing writing exercises along the way, so bring writing materials and enthusiasm! No experience necessary, but being young at heart or having an interest in those teenage years is a must!

Facilitator: Kathryn Lomer is Australian, and lives in Hobart, Tasmania. Her most recent books are a young adult novel, What Now, Tilda B?, a collection of short fiction, Camera Obscura, and a volume of poetry, Two Kinds of Silence.

Venue: Kori Ubud, Jl. Raya Sanggingan, Ubud, Bali - Indonesia

Link: workshop registration


For queries: call +62 361 7808932

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