Deadline: 30 September 2012
Union Church Playgroup is giving out this hot news to you all: For the coming school year, library will be opened to all playgroup children without charging.
Expecting a higher number in borrowing books with this new policy, we are asking your help to donate story books to us despite buying brand new books. If you have older kids in the family, have books which are no longer suitable for their age to read and they are in good condition, we would appreciate it if you could donate them to our library.
Books that are suitable for children up to 4 years old are needed; please mark your donation as: "Book Donations to Playgroup Library, Attention: Judy Hon".
Feel free to drop the donations at our collection box close to Administration Office by the end of September.
Union Church is located at 22A Kennedy Road, Midlevels, Hong Kong.
For queries:
Union Church Playgroup is giving out this hot news to you all: For the coming school year, library will be opened to all playgroup children without charging.
Expecting a higher number in borrowing books with this new policy, we are asking your help to donate story books to us despite buying brand new books. If you have older kids in the family, have books which are no longer suitable for their age to read and they are in good condition, we would appreciate it if you could donate them to our library.
Books that are suitable for children up to 4 years old are needed; please mark your donation as: "Book Donations to Playgroup Library, Attention: Judy Hon".
Feel free to drop the donations at our collection box close to Administration Office by the end of September.
Union Church is located at 22A Kennedy Road, Midlevels, Hong Kong.
For queries: