Writing Contest for Law Students and Competitive Examination Aspirants (India)

10 July 2012
Writing Contest for Law Students and Competitive Examination Aspirants (India)
Deadline: 4 August 2012

Write 500 words about what you think is the objective of law. The reasons may be practical, idealistic, psychological or anything else.

THE PRIZE: The best write up gets a copy of "Dr. Durga Das Basu's Introduction to the Constitution of India" published by Lexis Nexis along with a collection of latest question papers of the Judicial Examinations of different states. It is fine writing that any law student should have on his/her person and also a must have for 'polity' in the GK segment of Public Service Commission Examinations.

THE RULES: Email your entries by midnight, 4th of August, 2012 to the following address: kanwarn at the rate of in dot com. Please paste your entry in the body of your email. Any email with attachments will be deleted promptly. No fancy fonts or formatting. For those interested in sending the write up in Hindi, please contact me. There is no entry fee and the decision about the winner is final.


For queries/ submissions: kanwarn@in.com

Website: http://kanwarn.wordpress.com/
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