Deadline: 30 June 2012
Them Pretentious Basterds is an online quarterly magazine based out of Chennai dedicated to featuring non-mainstream poetry, fiction and art from India. We now invite submissions for our Ochre Issue (7/12).
All submissions should be emailed to
This is a completely free webzine and we can’t afford to pay our writers, yet. But we are an offshoot of a long-running writing group, and we can provide feedback. (It may take a while, though. Bear with us.)
We do not accept work that has been published elsewhere. (Your blog doesn’t count).
We love writers who are publishing their work for the first time.
Multiple submissions are welcome and encouraged - but limited to three entries across all categories.
Please include your short bio (about 50 words) and contact details in the .doc / .docx file.
Not more than 5,000 words. We don’t have a minimum limit.
We’re looking for well-written, tightly-spun, non-mainstream fiction. Meta, absurd, surreal, what-the-fuck-is-this-in-a-good-way stories get brownie points.
We don’t like where-the-hell-is-this-going fiction though.
If that list of adjectives did not help you figure out what we’re looking for - flip through our previous issues for ideas. You can find them over here.
We are open to serialised stories. Pitch it to us, and we’ll take it from there.
Not more than 100 lines, or three A4 pages.
We believe that language is a medium of communication - we love poetry that is smart, fresh, subtle. Wit earns you brownie points.
Nothing depresses us more than forced rhymes.
We accept paintings, sketches, digital art, illustrations, comic strips. Surprise us.
We love graphic stories. We love illustrated stories and poems.
We accept up to 7 pages of material, 5 would be nicer though.

For queries/ submissions:
Them Pretentious Basterds is an online quarterly magazine based out of Chennai dedicated to featuring non-mainstream poetry, fiction and art from India. We now invite submissions for our Ochre Issue (7/12).
All submissions should be emailed to
This is a completely free webzine and we can’t afford to pay our writers, yet. But we are an offshoot of a long-running writing group, and we can provide feedback. (It may take a while, though. Bear with us.)
We do not accept work that has been published elsewhere. (Your blog doesn’t count).
We love writers who are publishing their work for the first time.
Multiple submissions are welcome and encouraged - but limited to three entries across all categories.
Please include your short bio (about 50 words) and contact details in the .doc / .docx file.
Not more than 5,000 words. We don’t have a minimum limit.
We’re looking for well-written, tightly-spun, non-mainstream fiction. Meta, absurd, surreal, what-the-fuck-is-this-in-a-good-way stories get brownie points.
We don’t like where-the-hell-is-this-going fiction though.
If that list of adjectives did not help you figure out what we’re looking for - flip through our previous issues for ideas. You can find them over here.
We are open to serialised stories. Pitch it to us, and we’ll take it from there.
Not more than 100 lines, or three A4 pages.
We believe that language is a medium of communication - we love poetry that is smart, fresh, subtle. Wit earns you brownie points.
Nothing depresses us more than forced rhymes.
We accept paintings, sketches, digital art, illustrations, comic strips. Surprise us.
We love graphic stories. We love illustrated stories and poems.
We accept up to 7 pages of material, 5 would be nicer though.

For queries/ submissions: