Scheduled May 19 | Ideanauts: Creative Writing Workshop (India)

12 May 2012
Scheduled May 19 | Ideanauts: Creative Writing Workshop (India)
Date: 19 May 2012 (1:30pm - 5:30pm)

And God said, “Let there be light.” But you wouldn't know that, would you? Until someone did not write it and then someone shared it in a manner that sounded convincing. That’s the power of the written word. Let’s say you have a great idea you want to put down on paper or recount an incident that you observed or heard of. But don’t know how best to do this. Perhaps you’re just looking for a creative outlet or maybe you are looking at learning to write better blogs or even start a new religion! Reasons just like these require you to be a part of ‘Ideanauts’. So what will this workshop comprise of apart from randomly mixing words like idea and astronauts? Well, this is a creative writing and ideation workshop - centred around writing skills.


You are NOT going to be writing pages and pages of sagas! You won’t be forced to stare at a PowerPoint presentation either. The idea is to try and reach the core – a place, from where our ideas originate, learn to tackle creative / writing blocks, and learn how to create, capture and articulate compelling stories. The objective is to discover and effectively capture ideas within or around us. Whether you are full of new ideas or completely devoid of them (or so you think), this is the place to be. Brace yourself for loads of exercises, introduction to a few theoretical concepts and challenging writing prompts.


From poems to witty SMS messages, if you want to build a flair and passion for the written word, this is for you. Open to all Freelance Writers, Closet Bloggers, and would-be professional writers. The Workshop is open to all styles, forms and genres of writing and communication enthusiasts.

Where: Lagerbay, Waterfield Road, Bandra (W). [Same spot where Zenzi used to be]


Fees: Rs 1500/- per head.

You can carry your laptops (purely optional).

Registration details can be found here.


For inquiries: write to or SMS queries to +91 7738392744

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