Symbal welcomes works from NUS undergraduate and graduate students, staff, students from other tertiary institutions (local junior colleges, polytechnics and other universities) and even those who are serving their national service. Unlike other publications, we welcome any kind of work that is of literary value regardless of whether it is poetry, prose, dramatic extract, commentaries or treatises.
However, due to space constraints, we would like the writers to observe the following guidelines:
Poetry – Any form of poetry is welcomed but do keep it within a page of the word document.
Prose – Any genre is acceptable but do keep the word limit between 500-2000 words. If you would like to submit a longer piece of work such as a novella, do provide us with a summary of your work and the full prose if possible. Do bear in mind that it will be serialised when you are writing this piece.
Dramatic Extract – It should be no more than 2 scenes. It is advisable that the scenes should be able to generally stand on its own (i.e. the reader should be able to make out what is generally going on as well as the relationship(s) between the characters). Of course, if you would like to submit a monologue, you are more than welcome to do so.
Commentaries/Treatises: Kindly keep to the word limit of not more than 2000 words. Do note that it must be relevant to the literary arts; expositions on a particular book/author, commentaries on the state of literature in the country/education system or even reflections on a particular literary event are accepted.
As we aim to give budding writers a platform to showcase their works, we are fine with submissions that have already been published or entered in competitions as long as it does not contravene with any guidelines of the other party. Do note that it is your sole responsibility to ensure this. Should we come to the knowledge that you have contravened the guidelines of another publication or organisation, we will remove your work immediately. By the same token, we are fine with you submitting the same work to other publications or competitions so long as the other party is fine with it.
Additionally, by submitting your work, you have implicitly agreed to let us publish your work in any medium and as many times as we wish. We will inform you should your work be reproduced other than this online publication. Having said that, we assure you that we would not change your work in any way without your prior consent and you have the right to prevent your work from being reproduced only if the work is different from the original submission without your consent.
What is a magazine without some pictures or illustrations? If you would like an avenue to showcase your artistic skills, Symbal is the best place to do so! We welcome any form of photos, drawings and paintings. Do bear in mind that, at the moment, such submissions will be included in the publication if it is relevant to the theme or it fits a particular work as there is no space set aside to curate such works. However, do check back on the submission guidelines from time to time as there might be a section that would showcase such works in the future. Similarly, your submission would be an indication your agreement to allow us the rights to retain the pictures (which will still be credited to you) as well as to edit it to suit the publication.
Send all your works to . Kindly preface the subject title with “Submissions:”.
Should you have further enquiries kindly write to us via the same email address and preface the subject heading with “Enquiries (area of concern)”.
For inquiries:
For submissions:
Symbal welcomes works from NUS undergraduate and graduate students, staff, students from other tertiary institutions (local junior colleges, polytechnics and other universities) and even those who are serving their national service. Unlike other publications, we welcome any kind of work that is of literary value regardless of whether it is poetry, prose, dramatic extract, commentaries or treatises.
However, due to space constraints, we would like the writers to observe the following guidelines:
Poetry – Any form of poetry is welcomed but do keep it within a page of the word document.
Prose – Any genre is acceptable but do keep the word limit between 500-2000 words. If you would like to submit a longer piece of work such as a novella, do provide us with a summary of your work and the full prose if possible. Do bear in mind that it will be serialised when you are writing this piece.
Dramatic Extract – It should be no more than 2 scenes. It is advisable that the scenes should be able to generally stand on its own (i.e. the reader should be able to make out what is generally going on as well as the relationship(s) between the characters). Of course, if you would like to submit a monologue, you are more than welcome to do so.
Commentaries/Treatises: Kindly keep to the word limit of not more than 2000 words. Do note that it must be relevant to the literary arts; expositions on a particular book/author, commentaries on the state of literature in the country/education system or even reflections on a particular literary event are accepted.
As we aim to give budding writers a platform to showcase their works, we are fine with submissions that have already been published or entered in competitions as long as it does not contravene with any guidelines of the other party. Do note that it is your sole responsibility to ensure this. Should we come to the knowledge that you have contravened the guidelines of another publication or organisation, we will remove your work immediately. By the same token, we are fine with you submitting the same work to other publications or competitions so long as the other party is fine with it.
Additionally, by submitting your work, you have implicitly agreed to let us publish your work in any medium and as many times as we wish. We will inform you should your work be reproduced other than this online publication. Having said that, we assure you that we would not change your work in any way without your prior consent and you have the right to prevent your work from being reproduced only if the work is different from the original submission without your consent.
What is a magazine without some pictures or illustrations? If you would like an avenue to showcase your artistic skills, Symbal is the best place to do so! We welcome any form of photos, drawings and paintings. Do bear in mind that, at the moment, such submissions will be included in the publication if it is relevant to the theme or it fits a particular work as there is no space set aside to curate such works. However, do check back on the submission guidelines from time to time as there might be a section that would showcase such works in the future. Similarly, your submission would be an indication your agreement to allow us the rights to retain the pictures (which will still be credited to you) as well as to edit it to suit the publication.
Send all your works to . Kindly preface the subject title with “Submissions:
Should you have further enquiries kindly write to us via the same email address and preface the subject heading with “Enquiries (area of concern)”.
For inquiries:
For submissions: