Times Bookstore - Nulisbuku Writing Competition (Indonesia)

05 July 2011
Times Bookstore - Nulisbuku Writing Competition (Indonesia)
Deadline: 28 July 2011

Times bookstores is pleased to announce the call for submissions for Times 3rd Anniversary Writing Competition. The contest is a celebration of our 3rd wonderful journey anniversary.

Writing theme: TIME OF YOUR LIFE

Writing Format: Personal essays, memoirs, or works of creative non-fiction

Writing Style: Spiritual, political, intellectual, emotional, funny, serious etc.

NO POETRY is allowed. Only New Writing is allowed.

We leave it to the writers’ imagination and creativity, ‘time’ is a strong word - how will you use it?


a. Adult (18 year old & above)
(Min: 1500 words Max: 4000 words)

b. Students (13 – 17 year old)
(Min: 1500 words Max: 4000 words)

c. Children (8 – 12 years old)
(Min: 200 words Max: 4000 words)

Recommended length 2,000 - 3,500 words.

One entry per person.

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS (read carefully to prevent disqualification)

1. Entries can be submitted in 2 ways with the subject line "Times 3rd Anniversary-Writing Competition”

a. Softcopy by email PDF file to mudin.em@timesindonesia.com

b. Drop to Times bookstores outlets in CD.

Participants to fill in a Registration Form upon submission

2. All stories must be works written in English

3. Personal essays, memoirs, and works of creative nonfiction that in some way pertain to the theme “time flies”

4. Stories must be an original work and not previously published

5. No entry fee

6. Manuscripts are to be typed in an MS Word (or equivalent word processing software) and to be converted in PDF file document, 1 inch margins, double-spaced, 11 pt font, black text in arial, verdana or times new roman, page numbered, on A4 (210 × 297 mm) paper

7. The title of the submission must be in the upper left-hand corner of every page.

8. Consecutive page numbers must be in the upper right-hand corner of every page.

9. The total word count (strictly observed) of each entry must be in the upper right-hand corner of page 1 only.

10. Applicant’s name, date of birth, age, address, mobile number, email address, category, word count together should be stated in the body of the email or at the cover page of the manuscripts.

11. DO NOT include artwork of any kind.

12. Entries must be delivered before 11:59 pm July 31, 2011. Entries received later than 11:59 pm July 31, 2011 will be disqualified.

13. All entries must be your original work and previously unpublished. NO simultaneous submissions.

14. Entries will not be returned. For confirmation of receipt of your entry, an auto reply mail of registration details will be email back to participants and participants who fill in a Registration Form upon submitting the CD to stores will receive a registration receipt.

Winners will be notified via email and telephone by Times bookstores on August 10st
If you have not been notified that you are a winner, you may market your entry elsewhere.

For more information, please email mudin.em@timesindonesia.com

Contact Information:

For inquiries: mudin.em@timesindonesia.com

For submissions: mudin.em@timesindonesia.com

Website: http://www.timesbookstores.co.id
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