AMZ Publications: Call for Book Manuscripts on Allama Mashriqi and the Khaksar Movement (India)

05 July 2011
AMZ Publications: Call for Book Manuscripts on Allama Mashriqi and the Khaksar Movement (India)
Call for Book Manuscripts on Allama Mashriqi and the Khaksar Movement (Khaksar Tehrik)

AMZ Publications is pleased to invite book manuscripts (see below for important guidelines) in English on Allama Inayatullah Khan Al-Mashriqi (famously known as Allama Mashriqi) and his Khaksar Movement (also know as the Khaksar Tehrik). The works may be geared toward adults or children. Additional details are provided below.

Suggested Topics

Below is a list of some potential areas of focus. Other topics are welcome.

Allama Inayatullah Khan Al-Mashriqi

o Biography (for adults or children)
o Role in Freedom of British India
o Opposition to the Division of India
o Work as a Reformer and Revolutionary
o Work as a Grassroots Leader and Organizer
o Work as an Educationist
o Global Vision
o Philosophy and Quest for Uniting Humanity
o Religious and Political Thoughts
o Poetry and Writings
o Relationship with Other Contemporary Leaders (Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah, Mahatma
Gandhi, etc.)
o Role during Bengal Famine in 1940s
o Khaksar and Other Followers
o Other Topics

Khaksar Movement

o Philosophy and Ideology
o Humanitarian Efforts
o Role in Freedom of British India
o Other Topics

Submission Guidelines/Process

Upon completion of your manuscript, please email your proposal (see below for details) in a single MS Word file for consideration to the Acquisition Editor at You do not need to submit your entire completed manuscript to us at this stage. If the author’s proposal is accepted, the author will then be invited to send the complete manuscript for review and AMZ Publications will communicate any further requirements.

Please include the following information with your submission:

• Information on the Author

o Cover Letter including:
  • �� Full Name
  • �� Street Address
  • �� Phone (cell & landline)
  • �� Email
  • �� Website address (if any)
o Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) of the Author(s)

• Information on the Manuscript

o Title and Length
o Table of Contents with an Outline of Each Chapter
o Description of Research Methods and Resources Used
o Target Audience (adult or children, with age group)
o One Sample Chapter
o Number of Photos in the Manuscript (do not send any photos with the book proposal)
o Confirmation that permission has been sought for any copyrighted material used in the
o Number of Pages in Each Chapter
o Bibliography
o Outside Endorsements (if any) and by Whom

Note: AMZ Publications reserves the right to ask for any other material


• Proposals are accepted on an ongoing basis.


• AMZ Publications reserves the right to change or withdraw the above information/requirements at
any time without assigning any reason
• AMZ Publications reserves the right to deny a book or manuscript submission for any reason.
• AMZ Publications is not responsible for returning or retaining any materials submitted. The author should keep a copy of all submissions.

Contact Information:

For inquiries:

For submissions:

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