Thomson Foundation Inquirer Awards 2011 (for Journalists in Jordan/ Syria/ Lebanon/ Palestine/ Iraq)

09 July 2011
Thomson Foundation Inquirer Awards 2011 (for Journalists in Jordan/ Syria/ Lebanon/ Palestine/ Iraq)
Deadline: 1 December 2011

As journalists we all aim to make a difference to our communities. In our search for the truth, we investigate issues – big and small – to tell the story professionally, objectively and responsibly.
Inquirer Awards 2011

To spotlight and applaud the achievements of journalists in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Iraq whose investigations really make a difference, the Thomson Foundation has launched The Inquirer Award 2011.

Print and television journalists as well as photojournalists from Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine are eligible to compete for the award. All entries must feature work primarily published or broadcast in Arabic.

The Inquirer Award aims to find journalists who can demonstrate their ability to examine, in depth, a significant issue that is relevant to the region and its people.

Since 2003, the Inquirer Award has become a showcase for some of the region’s finest journalists. The Inquirer Awards past winners page lists journalists who have continued to earn the highest respect from peers and communities.

A panel of independent judges will be looking for entries that show comprehensive and thorough research, incisive interviewing techniques, and creative, well-constructed writing and presentation.

As well as receiving an Inquirer Award 2011 trophy, the first place winners in each of the three categories – Print, Television, and Photojournalism – will be hosted by the Thomson Foundation for an all-expenses-paid study tour for one week in the UK. The first prize in the Television category will include the reporter and cameraman. (Click to read the experiences of the 2009 Inquirer Award winners when they visited UK last year).

The Inquirer Award project was first launched in Jordan in 2003. Since then it has developed and grown to include Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and most recently Iraq. The competition was not held in 2006 and 2010.

The Inquirer Award project is managed by the Thomson Foundation and funded by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

How to enter

To enter the Inquirer Award, download and read carefully the entry form and rules for your chosen category. The forms have been provided in both English and Arabic – use whichever you prefer (but don’t forget, the orginal work must be in Arabic).

Entry categories are listed below. Click to download the form and rules.

The entry form should then be completed and returned, in Word format, together with submitted work. Entries may be submitted to the British Embassy in the relevant participating country or by email to: Examples of work, depending on award category, can be submitted on CD or uploaded online. See entry form for details.

The deadline for submitting all entries is December 1, 2011.


1. Only print journalists from Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine are eligible to enter this competition.

2. The article submitted must be in Arabic and must have been published between 1 January 2010 and 31 November 2011, and on a news website or publication issued in Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon or Palestine.

3. The reporter has the freedom to choose the topic of the investigative report; however, it must be relevant and significant to the region and its people.

4. A reporter may submit a maximum of 3 different investigative reports as long as they comply with the rules of the competition.

5. Entrants must NOT be related to any staff member of the British Embassy or the Thomson Foundation.

6. The judging panel’s decision will be final.

7. The work presented must not be the subject of any legal action.

8. To submit an entry the reporter must complete the application form and send it with three copies of the investigative report to the British Embassy in any of the participating countries. Alternatively, the entry can be submitted by email to:


• The extent to which the investigative report reveals new information and its relevance and importance to the readers (6 points)
• High quality research work (6 points)
• Substantial content and style (6 points)
• The effective use of interviews and quotes in the report (6 points)
• Over all presentation and attractiveness of the investigative report (the flow and wealth of information) (6 points)

If you have any queries, please email the awards administrator at:

Rules and Entry Forms

TELEVISION Award entry form & rules (Arabic) »

TELEVISION Award entry form & rules (English) »

PRINT Award entry form & rules (Arabic) »

PRINT Award entry form & rules (English) »

PHOTOJOURNALISM Award entry form & rules (Arabic) »

PHOTOJOURNALISM Award entry form & rules (English) »

Contact Information:

For inquiries:

For submissions:

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