Call for Submissions: Haiku & Haibun for 9-11 Anthology

16 July 2011
Call for Submissions: Haiku & Haibun for 9-11 Anthology
Deadline: 1 August 2011

Call for haiku, senryu and haibun about 9-11: the day itself, the immediate aftermath, the decade since, etc. Traditional and modern styles encouraged. Must be in English.

Please send 1-10 haiku or senryu to

Please send 1-3 haibun to

Please put your work in the body of the email, and write "911 anthology" as the subject. Put your contact information (name, address, phone, email) in the body of the email too, and share a brief bio. Let us know if you are under 18.

Accepting previously published and new poems. (With previously published, please let me know what the poem has been published, and that you have the rights.) Translations are fine as long as you have permission to publish the translation.

Haiku will be accepted on a rolling basis. The deadline is August 1, 2011, but the sooner you send them, the better. Please feel free to share this with others. Deborah Finkelstein, Chair of the Editorial Committee.

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