Course: Editing for the Web with Pamela Hewitt (Singapore)

17 June 2011
Course: Editing for the Web with Pamela Hewitt (Singapore)
Date: 19 August 2011

The way we read and the way we enter and leave websites are unlike print-reading habits. Readers skim and scan, scroll and search. They are in a hurry. They’re fickle, skeptical and flighty.

What does this mean for editors?

This workshop develops and extends a set of techniques that work on a screen for your audience and your purposes. These include:

• organising and presenting information on the screen
• choosing a writing style for your audience
• maintaining consistency and quality
• clear writing on the screen
• responding to the challenges of interactivity and social media.

The Web is a Moving Target

More than ever, websites are interactive, seeking comment and overlapping with audio and visual media. Updating hardware and software means adapting and changing the size and capabilities of your screen, the way you understand and retrieve information, and possibly the very meaning of literacy. In practical, hands-on exercises, you will learn the art of chunking, devise means of creating links and consider whether there is ever a case for publishing a print version on the web.


Editors are an important part of the webteam and it’s vital that we play a leading role in managing content for tomorrow’s technology. This workshop is suitable for editors at all levels of experience.


Pamela Hewitt is a qualified trainer who has developed and presented programmes on editing and writing for universities, vocational educational colleges, writers’ centres and societies of editors around Australia and internationally. She has also developed online editing courses on professional editing and editing for writers.

Pamela became an Accredited Editor in 2008, one of Australia’s inaugural accredited editors. She has been an active member of societies of editors and writers’ centres, presenting papers and speeches at all national editing conferences as well as at writers’ festivals, including the Sydney Writers’ Festival, the ACT Word Festival, Style Council and the National Literary Awards. Pamela was a member of the Institute of Professional Editors’ National Working Group on Accreditation and co-convenor of the National Working Group on Education, Training and Mentoring. In more than twenty years as an editor, Pamela has worked in-house and freelance across the industry in a career spanning academic, educational and trade publishing. Although she concentrates on fiction and non-fiction book editing, Pamela has also edited scholarly journals, websites, poetry and oral history projects. She publishes widely on professional editing and writing. Other professional initiatives include publishing The Fine Print, an independent online editing journal, and conducting five national surveys of editors. She is currently investigating ways that editors can survive and thrive in the era of the eBook and the app.

Time: 9.00am – 5.00pm

Venue: Room 3.7, L3, Civil Service College, 31 North Buona Vista Road

  • S$230 per person (for SBPA, APBA, APPA members)
  • S$250 per person for group registration of 2 & above (non-SBPA, APBA, APPA member)
  • S$280 per person (non SBPA, APBA, APPA member)
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