The Witter Bynner Poetry Translation Grant (USA)

18 May 2011
The Witter Bynner Poetry Translation Grant (USA)
Deadline: 31 December of each year

(For our friends in the US.)

Through a bequest from Witter Bynner in 1972, The Witter Bynner Foundation for Poetry perpetuates the art of poetry. The foundation promotes poetry in American culture and encourages grant proposals that expand awareness of the positive effects of poetry on society.

Grant Categories

The following categories may serve as a guideline to applicants in determining whether their programs fall within the foundations funding priorities.

Individual Poets

In 1997 the Board of Directors approved an annual grant to the Library of Congress for Witter Bynner Fellowships selected by the Poet Laureate. To date, Witter Bynner Fellowship recipients have been selected by Robert Pinsky, Stanley Kunitz, Billy Collins, and Louise Gluck. For further information go to

Translation and the Process of Translation

The translation of poetry from languages not currently available to English readers and poetry which has not been translated or merits a new translation. Projects, which explore the art and the process of translation, are also encouraged. The foundation does not fund publications of poetry-in-translation; it rather makes it a priority to give grants to individual translators. Samples from the proposed translation should accompany the application.

Developing the Poetry Audience

Organizations applying in this category should indicate who the target audience will be. Please describe previous programming the organization has successfully completed. Past programming has included documentary film production, dramatic presentations, school poetry programs, reading series, conferences, and seminars.

Uses of Poetry

Programs that use poetry for the greater public good. Model programs or curriculums that can be transferred to and used by other organizations are preferred. Past programs have focused on youth-at-risk, hospital and therapeutic programs, minorities, people with disabilities, prison programs, curriculum development, and documentary films.

Grant Amounts and Duration

Organizations may apply for grant support from $1,000 to $10,000 for a maximum of three years. The foundation does not support indirect costs for grant administration, endowment funds, capital improvements, or general operating expenses.

Letter of Intent

A Letter of Intent is required before a grant application can be approved. The letter should be two typewritten pages describing the organization, the program for which funding is requested, the total budget, the portion of the budget for which foundation funds are being requested, and other funding sources committed to the project. Deadline submission for the Letter of Intent is December 31 each year. Receipt of your letter will be acknowledged. If the foundation finds the request appropriate and within the scope of our mission, an invitation to submit an application will follow.

Completed applications must be postmarked by February 15 each year. Funding decisions are made at the April meeting of the Board of Directors. Applicants will be notified as to the status of their proposals by the end of May.

Grants are generally paid in installments beginning on a project start date after June 1, the beginning of the foundation's fiscal year.

Review Process

Foundation staff reviews applications before they are submitted to independent reviewers for additional evaluation. Reviewers rotate each year and are selected from professionals in the field, including former grant recipients. The Board of Directors review selected applications and make the final determination of annual proramming. Reviewers' comments are not available to applicants.

Application Requirements

Grant support is provided to non-profit, tax exempt organizations as defined under section 501 (c) (3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. The foundation will review proposals submitted by tax exempt organizations that assume legal, fiscal, and administrative responsibility for approved grants.

Mail letters of intent from August 1 through December 31 to:

Letter of Intent
The Witter Bynner Foundation for Poetry
Post Office Box 10169
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-0169

Contact Information:

For inquiries:

For submissions:

Website: http://www.bynnerfoundation.or
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