Call for Submissions: Cuckoo Quarterly Literary Magazine (India)

27 May 2011
Call for Submissions: Cuckoo Quarterly Literary Magazine (India)
We are running a quarterly literary magazine, CUCKOO from the postgraduate department of English, V O Chidambaram College, Tuticorin, Tamilnadu. It is a quarterly publication (January, April, July and October). The magazine is exclusively dedicated to Recent Literature. It has updates on recent literatures, social issues, educational news, creative writings and so on. We have made it a magazine, so that students also will be interested to read it. The April issue has been released and it has features on Tagore in commemoration of his 150th birth anniversary. The subscribers will receive the copy by 16th May.

Presently, we are involved in preparing our July issue which focuses on "E-Literature" . E(lectronic) Literature refers to a digitally born literature which integrates text, image, sound, performance and computation with creative practices to produce poetic and narrative experiences through digital environment. Hyperfiction, Hyperpoetry, blooks, collaborative fiction and flash fiction are some of its key genres. The notion of E-literature is founded on the hypertext theory of the French Structuralists. It is an offshoot of the interdisciplinary approaches of Media Art Theory, software and internet studies, etc.

  • Features can be on any e-lit genre, prominent writers, works, themes or features.
  • Articles can be of any length (Generally 1000 - 5000 words)
  • We do not publish research articles. Send features in an informal style of writing. Ours is only a literary magazine not a research journal. We have an ISSN no. 2230-9691
  • Send your articles as an email attachment to
  • All submitted articles will be reviewed by our editorial committee. Only original articles will be accepted.
  • There is no prescribed theme for creative writings.
We publish our subscribers' articles alone. Hence, those who send articles will have to subscribe, if their article is accepted. The subscription details are as below:
  • Single issue - Rs 20 Annual - Rs 75
  • Two Years - Rs 150
Subscription form can be downloaded here. You can send a money order / cheque / DD for the subscription rate to

S. Nehru,
Editor-in-chief, Cuckoo,
Postgraduate Department of English,
V O Chidambaram College, Thoothukudi - 628008,
Tamilnadu, India.

Contact Information:

For inquiries: or at 8220777313

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