Specialized Workshop in Malay: Picture Book Production (Singapore)

19 April 2011
Specialized Workshop in Malay: Picture Book Production (Singapore)
Date: 28 May 2011

In this workshop, you will learn the process of making a picture book and will be guided to produce a simple picture book. The trainers will then comment and provide feedback on each picture book. It is hoped that you will have a better idea on producing picture books after the workshop and to expand on you initial efforts into a publishable picture book. ou are re uested to bring a short story about words for the workshop. This workshop is conducted in Malay/Indonesian language.

Dalam bengkel interaktif ini, para peserta akan mempelajari proses menghasilkan buku bergambar dan akan dibimbing untuk menghasilkan draf buku bergambar yang mudah. Kedua-dua pelatih akan memberi komen dan tunjuk ajar atas setiap draf yang dihasilkan. Adalah diharapkan para peserta akan mendapat gambaran yang lebih jelas tentang cara menghasilkan buku bergambar dan akan melanjutkan usaha awal mereka ini sehingga dapat mengeluarkan buku bergambar yang sesuai untuk diterbitkan. Para peserta diminta menyediakan sebuah cerita pendek ) perkataan* untuk bengkel ini. Bengkel ini akan dijalankan dalam Bahasa Melayu/Indonesia.

Workshop Leaders:

Illustrator: Yusof Gajah

The roots of usof Gajah’s current paintings come from more than two decades of exploring naïve art not only for art’s sake but also for its story telling possibilities. An accomplished children’s book illustrator, Yusof has won several prestigious awards including the 1997 Grand Prix awards at Noma Concours for 2hildren’s Picture Book Illustration in Japan. Best loved for his delightful Tiga Ekor Gajah children’s book, Yusof reveals himself as a storyteller with a sensitive way of imparting knowledge and wry wit that ignites our imagination, children and adult alike.

Writer: Murti Bunanta

Dr. Murti Bunanta is a children’s literature specialist giving talks and workshops in Indonesia and abroad. She has written 6 books for children, five of them received international awards. She is the president and the founder of Society for the Advancement of Children’s Literature (1987) and Indonesian Board on Books for oung People (1990). She owns more than 30,000 children’s books from around 35 countries.

Venue: The Arts House

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Contact Information:

For inquiries: afcc@bookcouncil.sg

Website: http://www.afcc.com.sg
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