Full Guidelines: $27,000 SPH-NAC Golden Point Creative Writing Award (Singapore)

09 March 2011
Full Guidelines: $27,000 SPH-NAC Golden Point Creative Writing Award (Singapore)
Deadline: 30 June 2011

SPH-NAC Golden Point Award 2011

Organised by the National Arts Council

Sponsored by Singapore Press Holdings and Singapore Press Holdings Foundation

Supported by the National Library Board and Elephant & Coral

The SPH-NAC Golden Point Award returns this year, providing opportunities for unpublished writers to be discovered and the chance to win trophies, certificates and cash prizes worth a total of $72,000!

Submission of entries: 1 March to 30 June 2011

The SPH-NAC Golden Point Award is Singapore’s premier creative writing competition in the nation’s four major languages: English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil. The competition consists of the following two genre categories: Short Story and Poetry.

Organised by the National Arts Council, the national literary writing competition serves as a significant platform for literary excellence and launching new writers. This competition aims to

* Develop the literary penmanship of writers in Singapore
* Identify and nurture promising literary talents
* Create a conducive environment for creative thinking and literary expression in Singapore.

The competition will continue to discover and showcase emerging and new creative writing talents in Singapore. It is open to unpublished writers who are Singaporeans and Permanent Residents and who have yet to publish a solo work. There is no age limit and entries may be written on any subject and theme.

Results will be announced during the Award Ceremony to be held in October in conjunction with the Singapore Writers Festival 2011.


The biennial SPH-NAC Golden Point Award serves as a platform for literary excellence and
new creative writing. Established by the National Arts Council since 1993, it is Singapore’s
premier creative writing competition for Short Story and Poetry in the nation’s four major
languages: English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil. This competition aims to

• Develop the literary penmanship of writers in Singapore
• Identify and nurture promising literary talents
• Create a conducive environment for creative thinking and literary expression in Singapore.

1. Eligibility

  • The competition is open to Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents. There are no age restrictions.
  • The competition is open only to unpublished writers who have yet to publish a solo work. However, writers who have been published in journals or anthologies (whether online or in
  • print) are eligible to enter.
  • First prize winners of previous Golden Point Awards are not eligible to participate in the same category.
  • Entries may be submitted in English, Chinese, Malay, or Tamil.
  • Multiple entries are eligible as long as each submission complies with all the rules and regulations, in particular that they must be original and have not been previously published.
  • Translated work will not be accepted.
  • Co-authored works will not be accepted.


  • Entries must be original.
  • Entries must not have been previously published (either online or in print), accepted for publication, or broadcast through any public media (e.g. internet, radio, television, newspapers or journals).
  • Works which have won prizes in local or overseas competitions will not be accepted.
  • Entries should not be concurrently submitted for other competitions, publications or broadcast until the results of this competition are announced.

3. Categories

  • The Competition consists of the following categories for all four languages (English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil): (i) Short Story and (ii) Poetry
  • Participants may write on any subject or theme.


  • Participants may submit a short story or a collection of poetry.
  • Word Limit Requirements by Genre: *The title is not included in the word count. Entries that exceed the word limit will be disqualified.
  • Short Story Each entry must consist of only one short story with a maximum of 5000 words (no minimum number of words)
  • Poetry Each entry must comprise a minimum of 5 poems and maximum of 8 poems. No word limit.

Entry Format

  • English and Malay manuscripts must be submitted in font size 11 point, Arial.
  • English, Malay and Chinese manuscripts must be typewritten.
  • Tamil manuscripts must be typewritten, or handwritten legibly.
  • All manuscripts must be double-spaced, with a one-inch margin on all sides.
  • All manuscripts must be single-sided; printed on one side of A4-sized paper.
  • Title of the work and participant’s NRIC number must be indicated on the top right hand corner of each page of the manuscript.
  • No name, address or identifying marks other than the title and NRIC number should be indicated in the manuscript.
  • Short story manuscripts should state the word count at the end of the manuscript.
  • Each page must be numbered. Entries with missing pages will be disqualified.


The following prizes will be awarded for each of the four languages (English, Chinese,
Malay and Tamil) in both Short Story and Poetry categories.

  • First Prize: $4,000 cash, a trophy, a $6,000 enrichment grant and $500 Elephant Coral voucher
  • Second Prize: $3,000 cash and a certificate
  • Third Prize: $2,000 cash and a certificate

The enrichment grant for First Prize winners will cover return air passage, attendance
fees, board and lodging for participation in writing seminars, workshops and literary
festivals either in Singapore or overseas.

RESULTS AND award Ceremony for prize winners

  1. The Award presentation will be held in October 2011, in conjunction with the 2011
  2. Singapore Writers Festival (SWF).
  3. All prize winners are required to attend the Award presentation. Prize winners will be
  4. notified of the details nearer the date of presentation.

Entry Procedures

Entries must be made on the official registration form and reach the National Arts Council by Thursday, 30 June 2011 at 5pm. Photocopies of the registration form will be accepted.

The following documents must be enclosed with the completed registration form:

a) Four printed copies of the manuscript
b) Two recent passport size photographs
c) A 100-word biography in English, typewritten in font size 11 point, Arial, double-spaced and printed on one side of A4-sized paper.
d) Photocopy of birth certificate or document showing proof of nationality and citizenship / permanent resident status
e) Registration fee

Entries must be submitted along with the registration form and complete set of
documents in an envelope addressed to:

“2011 SPH-NAC Golden Point Award– Short Story” or
“2011 SPH-NAC Golden Point Award– Poetry”
National Arts Council
Goodman Arts Centre
90 Goodman Road, Blk A, #01-01
Singapore 439053

The registration fee of $16 (inclusive of GST) must be submitted together with each entry.
Please make a cheque payable to “NATIONAL ARTS COUNCIL”, or pay the fee in cash at
the National Arts Council, Mondays to Fridays between 9am to 6pm.

For more information, please email: nac_gpa@nac.gov.sg.

More information here.
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