The Danish Cultural Development and Exchange Fund: Cultural Outreach Programme for Palestine 2010-12

21 March 2011
The Danish Cultural Development and Exchange Fund: Cultural Outreach Programme for Palestine 2010-12
Deadline: 15 April 2011

The Danish Cultural Development and Exchange Fund

1. Background

The Danish Cultural Development and Exchange Fund aims at vitalising culture life in Palestine through direct support to artists and cultural operators in Palestine as well as through cultural exchange and joint art and culture projects between Denmark and Palestine. The fund aims at securing the flexibility of the cultural outreach programme and enables it to reach all areas of the Palestinian territory including Gaza. Additionally, it will give the opportunity for artist from Denmark and Palestine to work together and to presenting Palestinian arts and culture to a Danish audience.

The overall objective of the cultural development and exchange fund is to: Stimulate cultural life in Palestine through support to creative local initiatives among independent cultural operators, and relations built between Denmark and Palestine through strengthened cooperation between culture operators.

2. Basic criteria for CDEF

The CDEF should be able to provide support to any cultural activity within the criteria for eligibility. Supported initiatives shall in principle respond to some basic criteria, which are:

Quality: The cultural outreach programme wishes to promote high quality in cultural collaboration and arts and culture projects. The criteria for quality are determined on the specific project’s content and goals. The quality of a project can be measured on the basis of the artistic and aesthetic quality.

Dissemination: In order to disseminate arts and cultural activities, the project should aim at involving and communicating to as broad a public as possible. Innovation: It is important that the projects supported through the funds contribute to the culture life in Palestine as well as in Denmark with new ideas and perspectives. Innovation can be understood as creatively innovative, something new to the audience or participants, or innovation with respect to the geographical area.

Pluralism: Supported projects should contribute to diversity in cultural life, promote divers cultural identity, and contribute to openness. The projects shall also contribute with promoting new images of both the Danish and Palestinian culture and people in both countries. Network Building and Partnerships: Productive partnerships within the cultural field benefit all partners involved and help to strengthen the cultural life in general. The programme therefore wishes to promote collaboration and network building and projects that build on partnerships between different cultural operators – both Danish-Palestinian and Palestinian – Palestinian are encouraged. Projects that involve capacity development and knowledge sharing are prioritised. For expanding the synergy effect of the unallocated funds, the Cultural Development and Exchange Fund offers the possibility for combining local projects with exchange projects or to apply for a second phase to successful projects.

All applications for exchange projects and for ‘new initiatives’ shall be submitted in English. Applications for small grants can be submitted in both English and in Arabic. In the latter case, the application should include a short abstract in English.

3. Approval Procedures

3.1 Review of Applications

All applications will go through a technical review where it will be checked if minimum information requirements are in place. If the applicant needs to submit more information, this will be requested.

3.2 Final Approval

Exchange projects: Upon the approval of the project, a grant letter will be sent to the applicant following DCCD’s normal procedures for project support.

Local projects: Upon the decisions made by the committee, DCCD will send information about the rejection to the unsuccessful candidates. The approved projects will receive an agreement to be signed covering assigned amount and information about the following administration procedures.

3.3 Reporting

After the finalisation of the project, the applicant will submit a narrative evaluation report in the provided reporting format as well as the final accounts. As a ground rule shall all projects of ‘new initiatives’ be audited. Exceptions can however be made for projects with very simple accounts. For ‘small grants’ is it a prerequisite that the accounts are very simple, meaning not containing more than e.g. 4-5 vouchers. The accounts will be revised by DCCD’s local auditor.

4. Priorities & Criteria for Eligibility

4.1 Exchange and Partnership Projects

The exchange projects will provide the opportunity for building relations between Danish and Palestinian artists and culture organisations. The support will, as a ground rule, be given to partnerships between Danes and Palestinian organisations where collaboration and knowledge exchange is at the core of the project. It can however also be provided to activities presenting Palestinian arts and culture to a Danish audience. Grants will have an upper limit of 100.000 DKK

Priority will be given to:

  • Projects based on partnerships between Danish and Palestinian artists or cultural
  • institutions;
  • Co-production of art works between Danish and Palestinian artists;
  • Projects that build on mutual inspirations and capacity building between partners;
  • Presentation of Palestinian arts and culture in Denmark that represents a new image of
  • Palestine to the Danish audience and can generate debate;
  • Projects that will be presented in both Palestine and Denmark;
  • Projects that will build artistic capacity among participants;
  • Projects taking place in culturally disadvantaged areas of the Palestinian territory.

Support will not be given to:

  • Danish artists’ travel and research to Palestine with the purpose of working on their
  • personal arts project;
  • Presentation of Danish arts and culture in Palestine without it being part of other activities;
  • Fees or salaries of organising artists.

Besides of the defined priorities, the support to exchange projects will follow DCCD’s normal
regulations and procedures.

4.2 New Initiatives Projects

The aim of the ‘new initiatives’ is to encourage new ideas and alternative thinking within cultural and artistic activities. Grants will be given to new and innovative artistic and cultural initiatives. Applicants with limited fundraising experience are especially encouraged to apply for funding. There will be a special emphasis to projects taking place in culturally deprived areas of the Palestinian territory including Gaza. Grants will have an upper limit of 100.000 DKK.

Priority will be given to:

  • New ideas and innovative projects of high artistic quality;
  • Projects that connect people from different areas of the Palestinian territory;
  • Projects that include aspects of training and capacity building;
  • Projects that challenge the common perception of arts and culture in Palestine;
  • Projects that encourage public debate and discussions;
  • Projects in remote and marginalised areas of the Palestinian territory;
  • Projects that activate target groups of non-professional artists in art works and cultural
  • activities;
  • Projects that target culturally underprivileged groups who haven’t been exposed to similar
  • experiences before;
  • Projects that target youth and women.

Support will not be given to:

  • Repeating activities;
  • Already ongoing activities;
  • Scholarships.

4.3 Small Grants Support

The objective of the small grants is to provide support to individuals, informal networks and community based groups that do not have an organisational structure to handle regular funds administration, and who therefore finds themselves in a limited position to seek financial support. The support will be given to simple activities and can for instance cover production costs, transportation, rental of equipment, etc. Grants will be given up to 15.000 DKK.

Priority will be given to:

  • Up-and- coming artists;
  • High quality artistic productions.

Support will not be given to:

  • Established institutions and organisations;
  • External travel.

Read the Programme Document here.

Application for Support for 'New Initiatives' from CDEFP in English.

Application for Small Grant Support from CDEFP in English.

Application for Exchange Support from CDEFP.

Deadline for application form for "New initiatives" and "small grant support" is set at the 15. of April. Please send the electronic version of the completed and signed application form to:

More information here.
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