Deadline Extended: PCGG's P30,000 Essay Writing and Short Film Competition: What is Good Governance to Me? (Philippines)

12 February 2011
Deadline Extended: PCGG's P30,000 Essay Writing and Short Film Competition: What is Good Governance to Me? (Philippines)
Deadline: 21 February 2011 (from 14 February 2011)

Additionally, a P15,000 prize will be awarded to the school of the first prize winner.


Use your writing prowess in celebration of good government and democracy.

Twenty-five years ago, the month of February marked a sea change in Philippine history. The People Power revolution at EDSA not only marked the end of the Marcos dictatorship and the restoration of our democracy, it also meant the beginning of a search for what truly constitutes good government. Indeed, the first official act of President Corazon Aquino was the creation of the Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG or the Commission) which was tasked to, among other things, adopt safeguards and institute adequate measures to prevent the occurrence of corruption.

To commemorate the 25th anniversary of EDSA and the PCGG, and to acknowledge the fact that the search for good government is still an ongoing quest, the Commission is inviting currently-enrolled Filipino high school students to submit original and personally-written essays regarding their take on “What is Good Government to Me?”

The essay must be in English, encoded (MS-Word format), font size 12, Times New Roman, double-spaced with a minimum of 1,300 words and a maximum of 2,000 words. Deadline for the submission of entries is on 14 February 2011 by email to Your email entry will be acknowledged upon receipt. Attached with the entry should be an MS-Word file containing the full name, age, complete address, contact numbers and a scanned copy of the current school I.D. of the entrant.

Criteria for judging:

The judges will be looking for quality essays that merit wide attention worthy of publication, and that add to the public discourse by providing new analysis, perspectives, judgments or ideas.

a. Originality & coherence - 40%
b. Content - 40%
c. Style & presentation - 20%


1st Prize - Php15,000.00
2nd Prize - Php10,000.00
3rd Prize - Php5,000.00


Unleash your filmmaker potential in celebration of good government and democracy.
Twenty-five years ago, the month of February marked a sea change in Philippine history. The People Power revolution at EDSA not only marked the end of the Marcos dictatorship and the restoration of our democracy, it also meant the beginning of a search for what truly constitutes good government. Indeed, the first official act of President Corazon Aquino was the creation of the Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG or the Commission) which was tasked to, among other things, adopt safeguards and institute adequate measures to prevent the occurrence of corruption.

To commemorate the 25th anniversary of EDSA and the PCGG, and to acknowledge the fact that the search for good government is still an ongoing quest, the Commission is inviting currently-enrolled Filipino college students to submit short films on their take on “What is Good Government to Me?” Within 4 to 6 minutes, you are given a chance, as a young person who was born post-EDSA, to discuss/show what good governance is to you, what you can do to have a good government, how you can protect and promote good government.

If you think you can talk about protecting democracy and good government in a music video, or if you want a documentary to showcase your barkada’s fight against corruption, or if you want to make a short film about the opinions of your peers and elders on the virtues and values of EDSA ’86, here’s your chance to let your inner filmmaker out.

Please do not claim copyrighted materials to be yours; if you use shots and music that are created by other people, please cite the owners of the materials at the bottom of the screen.
Upload your videos at or at

Email an MS-Word file containing the full name, age, complete address, contact numbers and a scanned copy of the current school I.D. of the entrant along with the link of your video to Deadline of submission is on 18 February 2011.


Content management and dissemination - 40%
Creativity and execution - 35%
Technical aspects - 25%


1st Prize - Php20,000.00
2nd Prize - Php15,000,00
3rd Prize - Php10,000.00

For questions or inquiries, call telephone number (02) 7261225 or email

Mail or hand-carry entries to:

Information Officer IV
Presidential Commission on Good Government
Independent Realty Corporation (IRC) Building, #82 EDSA,
Mandaluyong City, 1550

To join, please download and read: [PCGG] Contest Mechanics/ Form >>

More information here.
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