Deadline: 31 March 2011
The total maximum cash amount available for the contest will be $1300.00 ($1000.00 for winning essays, and $300.00 for honourable mentions).

2011 Simerg Essay Writing Contest – $1000.00 in Cash Prizes
The aim of this contest is to encourage everyone to discover the joy and power of writing creative, intelligent, and persuasive essays
FEBRUARY 11, 2011: IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT is pleased to make an important announcement regarding the two short essay contests which were launched recently on this page, following the publication of the widely acclaimed photo essay entitled “The Aga Khan Museum, the Ismaili Centre and their Park.”
The contest will now be known as the “Mahdiya Essay Writing Contest,” and the awards will include US$1,000 in cash prizes for the 4 winners of the two essays. The name Mahdiya has been chosen in recognition of the first capital city of the Fatimids which was founded in North Africa by Imam al-Mahdi, the 11th Ismaili Imam and first Fatimid Caliph.
The prizes, distributed in the form of money order/draft, are in addition to the original prizes of the first edition of “The Memoirs of Aga Khan” written by the late Aga Khan and “Animal Voyage” by Prince Hussain Aga Khan. The exact prize distribution is specified in the contest summary and rules below.
The writing contest will become an annual feature beginning with this 2011 initiative.
The closing date for the two contests has now been extended to March 31, 2011. The winners will be selected by a team of judges from around the world by mid-May, 2011. The winning essays will be announced and published on this Web site soon thereafter. The winners will also be announced on Ismailimail, the highly popular independent Ismaili blog which has become one of the best and most dependable sources for news related to the worldwide Ismaili Muslim community.
Here is a wonderful opportunity for students, the youth as well as adults to develop and write their thoughts about the iconic projects that are being built on Wynford Drive in Toronto, Canada, by the 49th Ismaili Imam, His Highness the Aga Khan.
Please read the guidelines below, and share your grandest aspirations or imagination about this “Gift to Toronto” and, indeed, our world by His Highness the Aga Khan. Participate in this exciting contest where you can contribute meaningfully, simultaneously being recognized for your creative and thoughtful writing skills and talent.
Finally, in addition to the $1000.00 being offered as cash prizes to the winners, a total of upto six entries deemed as honourable mentions by the judging panel will each receive a gift card or cash in the amount of $US 50.00. Canadian and USA honourable mentions will receive a gift card from Chapters and Barnes & Nobles respectively, and overseas entries will receive the amount in the form of a money order.
1. The first will be a short essay of 300 – 500 words on the topic, “Why I am Excited about The Aga Khan Museum, The Ismaili Centre and Their Park.”
2. The second will be a short description where, in no more than 125 words, the participant will describe “Why I like this photo” for any one photo the participant chooses from the photo essay (see the link below).
3. There will be two age categories for each competition – a youth category (ages 18-24) and an open category (25 years and over).
4. The winner of the youth category for the essay competition, “Why I am Excited…” will receive a cash prize of $400.00 as well as an out of print copy of “The Memoirs of Aga Khan” (UK, 1954, 1st edition). A DVD of the Aga Khan Museum will also be included.
5. The winner of the open category for the essay competition “Why I am Excited…” will receive a cash prize of $300.00 as well as an out of print copy of “The Memoirs of Aga Khan” (UK, 1954, 1st edition). A DVD of the Aga Khan Museum will also be included.
6. The winner of the youth category for “Why I Like this Photo” will receive a cash prize of $175.00 as well Prince Hussain Aga Khan’s enchanting photo book “Animal Voyage.” A DVD of the Aga Khan Museum will also be included.
7. The winner of the open category for “Why I Like this Photo” will receive a cash prize of $125.00 as well as Prince Hussain Aga Khan’s enchanting photo book “Animal Voyage.” A DVD of the Aga Khan Museum will also be included.
1. The competition is free to enter.
2. Youth (18 to 24) and adults (25 and over) are invited to participate.
3. We encourage the participation of youth and adults from diverse cultural backgrounds and geographical locations.
4. The essay “Why I am excited about the Aga Khan Museum, the Ismaili Centre and their Park,” should be between 300 and 500 words.
5. The Photo description contest, “Why I Like this Photo,” is limited to 125 words. A participant may only select one photo of his/her choice from the entire photo essay, and describe why he/she likes it. The photo slide show may be viewed by clicking any one of the following links:
PHOTO ESSAY: PDF presentation (Recommended)
PHOTO ESSAY: Powerpoint Presentation
PHOTO ESSAY: Regular Web Pages
6. All submissions must be in the English language.
7. Entries should be emailed to or in one of the following formats: WordPerfect, Word, PDF, RTF or as an email.
8. Entries should include the following information:
a. A short biographical note (to introduce the applicant – limit it to 75 words). Participant’s age, birth date, school, and (OPTIONAL) a small photo are also required.
b. Participant’s full contact details (email address, telephone number(s), complete postal address, town, country).
9. The e-mail subject should read “Entry for Essay Contest.”
10. Entries should be submitted by March 31, 2011.
11. Winners will be declared on this Web site sometime during the latter half of May 2011.
12. The decisions made by the panel of judges (see list below) will be final.
13. The participants will ensure that their essays do not infringe on anyone’s copyright material when developing the essays.
14. All participants in this contest implicitly accept the rules presented in this document.
1. To use Albert Einstein’s quote, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world,” one of the primary aims of the essay will be to encourage everyone to discover the joy and power of writing creative, intelligent, and persuasive essays.
2. To promote a culture of writing and reading among youth and the public.
3. To make the viewers at large more engaged in these projects, by both reading the essays and commenting on them.
4. To enhance and enlighten the readers’ views of what other people are thinking about these three projects.
1. The winners will be announced sometime at the end of May, 2011, on this Web site,
2. The winning essays will be published on
3. Winner of the best essay, “Why I am Excited…” for each of the two age groups (i.e. 18 – 24 and 25 and over) will receive a cash prize as mentioned above, a good used copy of “The Memoirs of Aga Khan”, and a DVD of the Aga Khan Museum.
4. Winner of the photo description, “Why I Like this Photo” for teach of the two age groups (i.e. 18 – 24 and 25 and over) will receive a cash prize as mentioned above, a brand new copy of the photo book “Animal Voyage” by Hussain Aga Khan (2008), and a DVD of the Aga Khan Museum.
Note: To read more about the two books mentioned above, please click Collections.
5. Also, upto six entries deemed as honourable mentions by the judging panel will each receive a gift card or cash in the amount of $US50.00. Canadian and USA honourable mentions will receive a gift card from Chapters and Barnes & Nobles respectively, and overseas entries will receive the amount in the form of a money order.
6. Thus the total maximum cash amount available for the contest will be $1300.00 ($1000.00 for winning essays, and $300.00 for honourable mentions).
The judge’s selection for the essays will be based on the following:
1. Originality and personal vision.
2. Relevance of the essay to the three projects.
3. Quality of language (engaging writing style, good spelling and grammar etc.)
4. Demonstration of a thorough understanding of the three projects.
The total maximum cash amount available for the contest will be $1300.00 ($1000.00 for winning essays, and $300.00 for honourable mentions).

2011 Simerg Essay Writing Contest – $1000.00 in Cash Prizes
The aim of this contest is to encourage everyone to discover the joy and power of writing creative, intelligent, and persuasive essays
FEBRUARY 11, 2011: IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT is pleased to make an important announcement regarding the two short essay contests which were launched recently on this page, following the publication of the widely acclaimed photo essay entitled “The Aga Khan Museum, the Ismaili Centre and their Park.”
The contest will now be known as the “Mahdiya Essay Writing Contest,” and the awards will include US$1,000 in cash prizes for the 4 winners of the two essays. The name Mahdiya has been chosen in recognition of the first capital city of the Fatimids which was founded in North Africa by Imam al-Mahdi, the 11th Ismaili Imam and first Fatimid Caliph.
The prizes, distributed in the form of money order/draft, are in addition to the original prizes of the first edition of “The Memoirs of Aga Khan” written by the late Aga Khan and “Animal Voyage” by Prince Hussain Aga Khan. The exact prize distribution is specified in the contest summary and rules below.
The writing contest will become an annual feature beginning with this 2011 initiative.
The closing date for the two contests has now been extended to March 31, 2011. The winners will be selected by a team of judges from around the world by mid-May, 2011. The winning essays will be announced and published on this Web site soon thereafter. The winners will also be announced on Ismailimail, the highly popular independent Ismaili blog which has become one of the best and most dependable sources for news related to the worldwide Ismaili Muslim community.
Here is a wonderful opportunity for students, the youth as well as adults to develop and write their thoughts about the iconic projects that are being built on Wynford Drive in Toronto, Canada, by the 49th Ismaili Imam, His Highness the Aga Khan.
Please read the guidelines below, and share your grandest aspirations or imagination about this “Gift to Toronto” and, indeed, our world by His Highness the Aga Khan. Participate in this exciting contest where you can contribute meaningfully, simultaneously being recognized for your creative and thoughtful writing skills and talent.
Finally, in addition to the $1000.00 being offered as cash prizes to the winners, a total of upto six entries deemed as honourable mentions by the judging panel will each receive a gift card or cash in the amount of $US 50.00. Canadian and USA honourable mentions will receive a gift card from Chapters and Barnes & Nobles respectively, and overseas entries will receive the amount in the form of a money order.
1. The first will be a short essay of 300 – 500 words on the topic, “Why I am Excited about The Aga Khan Museum, The Ismaili Centre and Their Park.”
2. The second will be a short description where, in no more than 125 words, the participant will describe “Why I like this photo” for any one photo the participant chooses from the photo essay (see the link below).
3. There will be two age categories for each competition – a youth category (ages 18-24) and an open category (25 years and over).
4. The winner of the youth category for the essay competition, “Why I am Excited…” will receive a cash prize of $400.00 as well as an out of print copy of “The Memoirs of Aga Khan” (UK, 1954, 1st edition). A DVD of the Aga Khan Museum will also be included.
5. The winner of the open category for the essay competition “Why I am Excited…” will receive a cash prize of $300.00 as well as an out of print copy of “The Memoirs of Aga Khan” (UK, 1954, 1st edition). A DVD of the Aga Khan Museum will also be included.
6. The winner of the youth category for “Why I Like this Photo” will receive a cash prize of $175.00 as well Prince Hussain Aga Khan’s enchanting photo book “Animal Voyage.” A DVD of the Aga Khan Museum will also be included.
7. The winner of the open category for “Why I Like this Photo” will receive a cash prize of $125.00 as well as Prince Hussain Aga Khan’s enchanting photo book “Animal Voyage.” A DVD of the Aga Khan Museum will also be included.
1. The competition is free to enter.
2. Youth (18 to 24) and adults (25 and over) are invited to participate.
3. We encourage the participation of youth and adults from diverse cultural backgrounds and geographical locations.
4. The essay “Why I am excited about the Aga Khan Museum, the Ismaili Centre and their Park,” should be between 300 and 500 words.
5. The Photo description contest, “Why I Like this Photo,” is limited to 125 words. A participant may only select one photo of his/her choice from the entire photo essay, and describe why he/she likes it. The photo slide show may be viewed by clicking any one of the following links:
PHOTO ESSAY: PDF presentation (Recommended)
PHOTO ESSAY: Powerpoint Presentation
PHOTO ESSAY: Regular Web Pages
6. All submissions must be in the English language.
7. Entries should be emailed to or in one of the following formats: WordPerfect, Word, PDF, RTF or as an email.
8. Entries should include the following information:
a. A short biographical note (to introduce the applicant – limit it to 75 words). Participant’s age, birth date, school, and (OPTIONAL) a small photo are also required.
b. Participant’s full contact details (email address, telephone number(s), complete postal address, town, country).
9. The e-mail subject should read “Entry for Essay Contest.”
10. Entries should be submitted by March 31, 2011.
11. Winners will be declared on this Web site sometime during the latter half of May 2011.
12. The decisions made by the panel of judges (see list below) will be final.
13. The participants will ensure that their essays do not infringe on anyone’s copyright material when developing the essays.
14. All participants in this contest implicitly accept the rules presented in this document.
1. To use Albert Einstein’s quote, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world,” one of the primary aims of the essay will be to encourage everyone to discover the joy and power of writing creative, intelligent, and persuasive essays.
2. To promote a culture of writing and reading among youth and the public.
3. To make the viewers at large more engaged in these projects, by both reading the essays and commenting on them.
4. To enhance and enlighten the readers’ views of what other people are thinking about these three projects.
1. The winners will be announced sometime at the end of May, 2011, on this Web site,
2. The winning essays will be published on
3. Winner of the best essay, “Why I am Excited…” for each of the two age groups (i.e. 18 – 24 and 25 and over) will receive a cash prize as mentioned above, a good used copy of “The Memoirs of Aga Khan”, and a DVD of the Aga Khan Museum.
4. Winner of the photo description, “Why I Like this Photo” for teach of the two age groups (i.e. 18 – 24 and 25 and over) will receive a cash prize as mentioned above, a brand new copy of the photo book “Animal Voyage” by Hussain Aga Khan (2008), and a DVD of the Aga Khan Museum.
Note: To read more about the two books mentioned above, please click Collections.
5. Also, upto six entries deemed as honourable mentions by the judging panel will each receive a gift card or cash in the amount of $US50.00. Canadian and USA honourable mentions will receive a gift card from Chapters and Barnes & Nobles respectively, and overseas entries will receive the amount in the form of a money order.
6. Thus the total maximum cash amount available for the contest will be $1300.00 ($1000.00 for winning essays, and $300.00 for honourable mentions).
The judge’s selection for the essays will be based on the following:
1. Originality and personal vision.
2. Relevance of the essay to the three projects.
3. Quality of language (engaging writing style, good spelling and grammar etc.)
4. Demonstration of a thorough understanding of the three projects.
Aga Khan Museum articles at AKDN
The Aga Khan’s speech at the Foundation Ceremony
Museum collection article at
Article in
The Ismaili Centres special coverage
Urban Toronto article