Call for Authors/ Book Manuscripts for Publication: Pointer Publishers, Jaipur

16 February 2011
Call for Authors/ Book Manuscripts for Publication: Pointer Publishers, Jaipur

Anthologies/ critical studies are proposed to be published with an ISBN by Pointer Publishers, Jaipur.

Editing requirements:

· Book should be submitted as MS Word attachment. Paper size: A4, Font size: Times New Roman 12, Spacing: single line, Margins 2.54 cm.

· Title of the article/chapter: Caps, bold, centred.

· A bio-brief of the contributor(s) indicating name, institutional affiliation, career history, postal address, phone/mobile number and e-mail id on a separate sheet in case of collection of article.

· Text of the article: justified.

· References: Please follow latest MLA handbook strictly.

· Titles of books: italics.

· Titles of articles: quoted.

Mode of Submission:

The full book may be sent as attachments to my email address: . The author/editor should also send one hard copy of complete manuscript on postal address given below.

Plagiarism Alert:

All submissions should be original. Contributors are advised to adhere to strict academic ethics with respect to acknowledgment of original ideas borrowed from others. The editor(s) / publisher will not be responsible for any lapse on part of the contributor.

Postal Address:

Pointer Publishers
807, Vyas Building
Chaura Rasta
JAIPUR - 302 003
Mobile : 09828040770

More information here.
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