Call for Applications from the Middle East: International Press Institute's News Innovation Contest

23 February 2011
Call for Applications from the Middle East: International Press Institute's News Innovation Contest
Deadline: 1 June 2011

IPI News Innovation Contest

The IPI News Innovation Contest is aimed at advancing the future of news by funding new ways to digitally inform communities in Europe, Middle East and Africa.

Via these grants, IPI is supporting projects from not-for-profit and for-profit organizations that revolve around online news that advances press freedom, the development of more sustainable business models and the training of journalists.

We are looking for breakthrough ideas with the potential of creating sustainable impact and that meet the following general criteria: digital, including mobile, open-source technology created by journalists or for journalists and distributed in the public interest.

Awards totalling much as $ 2.7 million will be given away this year.

The Application deadline is 1 June 2011.

Applications should fit into one of three categories:

* News Platforms - Advancement in Digital News Platforms
* Sustainability - Advancement of Business Mode
* Training - Advancement in Trainings & Journalism Excellence

The only place you can apply is on the IPI News Innovation Contest website.

No applications are accepted by mail, email, fax or any other means.

Simply, fill out the form by selecting the category you wish to apply for, including a description of your project idea, time-frame and budget estimate or a detailed description of your existing online site, a description on its users and a link to the site.

If we believe your idea or site meets the criteria, we will ask you to write a full proposal. You will be notified via email.

The deadline for submitting your entry is 1 June.

Contest Rules, Terms & Conditions

1. In order to be eligible, entries must be submitted as stated in the contest announcement. Entries received after the deadline will not be considered. IPI will not be responsible for and will not consider incomplete entries.

2. After the deadline, IPI will shortlist the entries and then work together with shortlisted candidates to submit their final proposal by 1 June.

3. All winners will be notified by the IPI Grant Manager via email. If the winner does not respond to the notification within five (5) business days another winner will be chosen.

4. Multiple entries per candidate are allowed.

5. IPI shall have no obligation to preserve, return or make available to you or any other party any material submitted by candidates.

6. By submitting entries to IPI, you represent and warrant that the submitted content does not infringe upon any copyright, trademark, property rights, rights of privacy or publicity of any person, or any other right of any third party.

7. You acknowledge and agree that proposals and materials that you submit may be made available to a special IPI Grant Nomination Team by IPI for viewing, rating, reviewing, and commenting.

8. The evaluation of materials submitted as part of the contest will be judged entirely in the sole and absolute discretion of IPI. Decisions made by IPI are final.

9. All entrants and winners must be at least 18 years of age.

10. All winners are solely responsible for any and all taxes and/or fees, as well as all additional costs that may be incurred.

11. IPI reserves the right in its sole and absolute discretion to terminate any contest at any time without prior notice.

12. IPI shall assume no responsibility whatsoever if the content is altered, cancelled or postponed as a result of any unforeseen circumstances beyond its control. Unforeseen circumstances include, but are not limited to, war or the apparent act of war; an Act of God; natural disasters; government restrictions; civil disorder; or any other emergency.

13. No purchase or payment of any kind is necessary to enter the contest.

14. IPI reserves the right to require the winner to execute an affidavit of eligibility as a sworn document and provide other proof of eligibility as a condition of receipt of the prize or award.

15. Any personal details provided by candidates during the application process shall be used solely for the purposes of this contest and IPI undertakes not to provide personal details to any other organisation without first obtaining your express permission.

16. IPI reserves the right to publish the list of all candidates on the contest website and to send information regarding the contest that may be of interest to candidates.

17. All winners must be responsible for the execution of their projects following the regulations of the local country law.

18. By entering the contest, you conclusively are deemed to have agreed to be bound by these contest rules and terms and conditions, as well as by any relevant Austrian laws. This is an irrevocable condition of entry.

19. Any legal dispute arising out of this contest shall be governed exclusively by the substantive law of the Republic of Austria excluding any conflicting law provisions. This shall also apply to the legal consequences of any after-effects of this contest. Lawsuits hereunder may only be brought to the court of competent jurisdiction covering IPI Headquarters in A-1010 Vienna, Spiegelgasse 2/29.


1. What is the International Press Institute (IPI)?

The International Press Institute is a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists. We are dedicated to the furtherance and safeguarding of press freedom, the protection of freedom of opinion and expression, the promotion of the free flow of news and information and the improvement of the practices of journalism. IPI, one nation's oldest global press freedom organisation, is based in Vienna, Austria.

2. How many categories does the IPI News Innovation Contest have?

Besides the must-haves (digital and news information created by journalists or for journalists), there are 3 categories:

* New Platforms
* Sustainability
* Training

3. What kind of projects will get funded?

Our goal is to support projects that will create an impact on how digital news is consumed and that facilitate the democratic process. We will consider both currently running projects as well as startup projects.

You are eligible to win if your idea meets the following criteria:

1. Digital
2. News Information created by journalists
3. Falls into one of these categories: News PlatformsNew Platforms, Sustainability, Training.

4. How does the application process work?

We have developed a five-step process, making it easy and efficient for you. The only place you can apply is here on the IPI News Innovation Contest site. No applications are accepted by mail, email, fax or any other means. Simply fill in the online form here.

Here are the five steps:

1. Fill in your contact details.
2. Select the program type you are applying for, where you plan to implement the program, the estimated duration of the project and some background information on your organization.
3. The purpose of this section is to get a general overview of this project. Fill out a simple form that tells us the essence of your idea – project purpose and description and expected outcome. We also would like to understand in detail what you consider innovative, as well as who will benefit and how. Please include a risk assessment in this section.
4. Here we would like to understand the budget requirements in detail, other sources of funding and any partnerships that may exist related to this project.
5. The last step is for you to be able to upload supporting documents (budget description, detailed budget and project timeline or any other documents that you believe we should be aware of in support of the project.

Out of all the entries we are going to make a shortlist and ask you to write a full, detailed proposal. We will inform you if you make it to the final process.

5. Are there geographical limitations?

Yes and no. While we accept applications from around the world, the online project must be implemented in Europe, Africa or the Middle East.

6. Which languages will be considered?

The application form must be filled out in English but the project can be executed in any language of the focused regions.

7. What part of the budget will be funded?

IPI will fund all or a portion of what it takes to implement the proposed project, but not overhead costs like salaries.

8. How does the selection process work?

The submission deadline is 1 June 2011.

After 1 June, we will put together a shortlist and then work with the candidates from that list to submit their final proposal by 3 October 2011.

9. Who reviews my application?

The IPI Grant Manager reviews each application first, recommends a shortlist and then shares this with an extended team.

The grants are awarded by a special IPI Grant Nomination Team.

10. Who can enter?

Any organisation or individual that has a fantastic idea and aims to drive journalism excellence and innovation for either journalists themselves or the community.

11. What is the deadline for entry?

The deadline for entry is 1 June 2011.

12. When will I be notified and how?

Shortlisted candidates will be contacted by the IPI Grant Manager via email in August 2011.

13. When do I receive the funds and when should I plan implementation?

The awards will be paid out in 2011 and 2012. We will work out a special payment schedule with each winner.

Apply here.
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