ANAKTV's 1st Kabataan sa Bisayas Media Festival Contest

23 February 2011
ANAKTV's 1st Kabataan sa Bisayas Media Festival Contest
Deadline: 8 April 2011

ANAKTV 's 1st ‘Kabataan sa Bisayas Media Festival’ contest in video and photography will be staged in Tacloban City on May 20-22, 2011.

The contest is open to all youth living, studying or based in any of the Visayan Islands, provinces, towns or cities. They must not have reached age18 by May 31, 2011 to qualify.

Youth who are temporarily outside of the Visayas for reasons of schooling may still join the contest for as long as their permanent residence is in the Visayas area.

Youth participants are encouraged to use any camera, whether hand held videos, handycams, digital cameras, mobile phones with camera capability etc. and they can be borrowed from friends or relatives.

Deadline for submission of all entries is on Friday, 8 April 2011.

VIDEO contest

Visayan youth may enter as many video materials per category as producer/director but may also be part of other materials entered where they are not the chief creator (e.g. actor, researcher, production designer, etc).

A youth participant may enter in all four categories namely; (1) Short video clips with running time from 30 seconds to 10minutes; (2) Public service announcements or social messages with running time from 30 seconds to three (3) minutes only; (3) Creatively packaged music videos, running time up to seven (7) minutes only, using originally composed or commercially available music and (4) Mini documentaries and social commentaries with running time from 10 minutes to an hour.

There are no restrictions in themes but the contest is seeking works that define the Visayan youth’s view of issues that affect him, his family, his school and his community in general.

They can be about family concerns, education, environment, substance abuse, teenage life and problems, career plans and ambitions, hopes for the future, community issues and others.

The entries should be submitted in CD or DVD, one per entry (mpeg, avi and wmv formats), properly labeled, indicating title, category and total running time.

Address all entries to: Kabataan sa Bisayas Media Festival, care of Anak TV, 8A Matatag Street, Pinyahan Quezon City or to Kabataan sa Bisayas Media Festival, care of Plan International-Philippines, 2F Uytingkok Building, Veteranos Avenida, Tacloban City.

The CD/DVD entry should be accompanied by a page containing the producer/director’s name, complete mailing address and contact phones (mobile, land phones, fax and email address where applicable), birth date and school, organizational or town affiliation.

The participant is also expected to write a short description of his/her entry and where possible, brief production notes. If he/she completed the material with other youth, their names and roles in production should also be listed.


Each photographer may enter only up to five (5) photos. There are no categories in the photography section. The entries may be in color or black and white.

Similarly, there are no restrictions in themes but the contest is seeking works that define the Visayan youth’s view of issues that affect him, his family, his school and his community in general.

They can be about family concerns, education, environment, substance abuse, teenage life and problems, career plans and ambitions, hopes for the future, community issues and others.

The minimum image size is 5 megapixels (equivalent to A4 size if printed). Even cell phones may be used.

Entries must be emailed to, each one properly titled in any language of his/her choice.

The entries should be accompanied by a page containing the photographer’s name, complete mailing address and contact phones (mobile, land phones, fax and email address where applicable), birth date and school, organizational or town affiliation. The type of camera used should also be indicated (digital cam, mobile phone with camera, etc).

The entrants tacitly agree that Anak TV and its co-organizers of the Kabataan sa Bisayas Media Festival are free to exhibit, screen or re-screen their video entries and are free to print, enlarge and exhibit their photograph entries during the festival and that the entered copies are retained by the festival Secretariat.

Youth participants whose entries qualify and who come to Tacloban for the festival will be partly hosted by the University of the Philippines, Columbia’s and other supporters will provide gift packs for those present. All entrants will receive a Certificate of Participation.

There will be a winner in each of the categories. Each top winner will be given a trophy and cash incentive.

Special awards with cash incentives have been earmarked by Columbia’s, PDEA, PIA and other partners. A full announcement of the prizes and awards will be made in mid March 2011.

Visayan youth who entered the contest and who wish to come to Tacloban for the duration of the festival may address their queries by writing the Secretariat at

More information here.
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