Call for Applications from Asia: Dag Hammarskjöld Journalism Fellowship (fully funded)

19 February 2011
Call for Applications from Asia: Dag Hammarskjöld Journalism Fellowship (fully funded)
Deadline: 6 April 2011

About the Fellowship

The Dag Hammarskjöld Scholarship Fund accepts applications from journalists of the developing nations of Africa, Asia, South America and the Caribbean to cover the United Nations General Assembly beginning in September each year. The fellowships offer a unique opportunity for promising young journalists from developing countries to see the United Nations at work and to report on its proceedings for news media in their home countries.

Over the past 49 years, fellowships have been awarded to hundreds of journalists from the developing world. These awards require the presence of the selected journalist in New York during the first few months of the General Assembly session and should be regarded as an opportunity for news organizations and journalists to provide their audiences with special assignment news coverage from U.N. headquarters.

Successful applicants must obtain a leave of absence from their employers. By endorsing the application of a staff journalist for a fellowship, the editor undertakes to meet all telephone or other transmission charges and to publish or broadcast copy filed by the reporter. Applicants must be full-time, professional journalists between 25 and 35 years old, be employed by a recognized print, radio, television, or internet media organization, and have a good working knowledge of English.

The Fund will provide: round-trip airfare to New York; accommodations; health insurance for the duration of the fellowship, and a daily allowance to cover food and other necessities. The Fund will not be responsible for other expenses of personal nature, such as telephone calls. There are some very basic requirements for applying for a fellowship that need to be emphasized. Be sure to fill out ALL sections of the application including e-mail address and phone numbers. Your application WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED unless all items listed on the requirements page are included.

2011 Fellowship Application and Requirements

APPLICATIONS DEADLINE: Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Applicants must demonstrate an interest in and commitment to international affairs and to conveying a better understanding of the United Nations to their readers and audiences.

The Dag Hammarskjöld Journalism Fellowship is open to individuals who:

* Are native of one of the developing countries of Africa, Asia, South America or the Caribbean. For 2011 only, the Fund will not accept applications from the countries of the 2010 Fellows -- Nepal, Peru, South Africa and Togo -- in an effort to rotate recipient countries.
* Currently live in and write for a publication in a developing country.
* Are between the ages of 25 and 35. Have a good to excellent command of the English language since United Nations press conferences and many documents are in English only. Are currently employed full-time as professional journalists for bona fide print, television, radio or internet media organizations.
* Have approval from their media organizations to spend up to three months in New York reporting from the United Nations.
* Receive a commitment from their media organizations that the reports they file during the term of the Fellowship will be used.
* Are prepared technically to file their news stories over WIFI, whether broadcast or print.

Documentation Requirements

Please include all of the following documents with your signed application. Applications WITHOUT the following documents will NOT be considered.

1. Copies of representative selections of your work, such as newspaper clippings, audio tapes, or video tapes. The selections must be work produced in 2010 or 2011. The judges will look for entries with insight and originality. Investigative work is welcome.

* For newspaper clippings, include an English translation or summary.
* For audio tape and video tape submissions, include a written transcription or a summary in English.

Video submissions should be in DVD, CD or VHS (preferably NTSC) format.

2. An originally signed letter from a person of good standing in your community or profession who can testify to your character, such as a community, religious or business leader, teacher, former or current co-worker.

3. Originally signed letters from two individuals who supervised you and can comment on your journalism experience and qualifications.

4. Endorsement of the Fellowship application from the editor or director of the news organization that presently employs you. This endorsement must be originally signed and should:

* Grant you a leave of absence from your current duties in the event you are awarded a Fellowship.
* States 1) plans for using the material prepared by you during the Fellowship, and 2) the arrangements made to file your reports while you are at the United Nations and in New York.
* Sets forth the plans for you upon completion of the Fellowship and your return from New York.

5. Summary statement. On a separate sheet of paper, explain in not less than 300 words why you are applying for this Fellowship and what you expect to gain from the experience.

6. Two recent photographs (passport size or larger). Please place these photos in a separate secure envelope and affix them to the front of your application.

7. If available, include a copy of your passport. If you do not currently have a passport, you are advised to obtain one as soon as possible so that, if selected, you can immediately proceed to obtaining a journalist visa.

NOTE: Applicants and/or their employers are required to provide equipment necessary for the applicants to efficiently and effectively report from the United Nations. Such equipment should include a laptop or notebook computer, digital camera (if appropriate), audio/visual recording and equipment needed for transmission, especially for TV. Selected journalists must be prepared technically to file their news stories over WIFI, whether broadcast or print, and arrive with a laptop enabled for WIFI.

Click HERE for the application in Word format
Click HERE for the application in PDF format

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