Deadline: 28 February 2011

For the third time in 2011 and after the great success in 2010, Ties That Bind – EAVE Asia-Europe Producers Workshop will be organised again in 2011 in partnership with FVG Audiovisual Fund, EAVE, Udine Fareast Film Festival and Pusan International Film Festival / Pusan Promotion Plan.
Ties That Bind 2011 will consist of two workshops, workshop 1 taking place in Udine (Italy) between May 3-7, 2011 within the framework of the Udine Far East Film Festival (April 29 – May 7, 2011) and workshop 2 being organized from October 10-13, 2011 during the Pusan International Film Festival (October 6-14, 2011) in South Korea.
The workshops will bring together 10 film producers from Asian and European countries. Each producer will be selected together with a feature film project in development and will work with leading industry experts from both continents during the two workshops. Amongst a range of issues, sessions will focus on script development, co-production between Asia and Europe, financing in the two regions, marketing and promotion, and the legal aspects of co-production. The workshop participants will work together as a group, as well as through individual consultation, and will have the unusual opportunity to get to know each other very well with the object of forming long term creative and business partnerships and networks. The programme will culminate in Pusan in October 2011 with meetings between the participants and leading Asian and European funders and sales agents.
The workshop will enable feature film producers from both continents to work together in two four-day workshops and will offer the 10 selected participants:
- top level professional and project development,
- work on the comprehensive development of European and Asian projects,
- cooperation and co-production on these and future projects,
- the creation of in-depth awareness of the audiovisual market and operating conditions, legal frameworks, financing, sales, distribution and exhibition practices in both continents,
- networking between the participants and their companies to create medium and long term informational co-financing and co-production relationships,
- access to a network of producers, markets, festivals and decision makers in both continents.
Target group:
Experienced feature film producers from Asia (Japan, Korea, China incl. Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, Mongolia, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and Indonesia) and Europe wishing to work on an international scale and to create long term creative and business relationships between Europe and Asia. Interested producers should apply with a feature film project in development stage. European producers applying must be able to demonstrate a clear involvement with Asia and vice versa.
Project criteria:
- feature-length fiction film (for theatrical release)
- projects suitable for an international co-production and looking for co-producers
- preferably a minimum of 20% should be in place
- projects suggested by European applicants should have a link to Asia (thematic, cultural, technical) and the producer should be motivated to work with / in Asia and vice versa
- projects suggested by Asian applicants should have a potential for co-production and vice versa
- producer must have completed at least one film released theatrically in the last 3 years
- 1st draft of the script available in English for the workshop
Application documents:
- completed submission form (available for download on
- synopsis & treatment (8-10 pages)
- CV of the producer and the director
- profile of the production company
- note of intention of the producer & note of intention of the director
- motivation letter (1 page)
- previous works of the director
Scripts are to be sent only on request.
All documents have to be sent in English – the working language of the workshop will be English.
Participation fees & conditions:
The participation at EAVE Ties That Bind is free of charge. Each participant will be offered accommodation during the workshop stay (full board including meals). In addition, we will offer a number of partial scholarships to contribute to the travel costs.
The selection will be made by a selection committee and will be published by the end of March, 2011.
For further information and the application form please contact:
More information here.

For the third time in 2011 and after the great success in 2010, Ties That Bind – EAVE Asia-Europe Producers Workshop will be organised again in 2011 in partnership with FVG Audiovisual Fund, EAVE, Udine Fareast Film Festival and Pusan International Film Festival / Pusan Promotion Plan.
Ties That Bind 2011 will consist of two workshops, workshop 1 taking place in Udine (Italy) between May 3-7, 2011 within the framework of the Udine Far East Film Festival (April 29 – May 7, 2011) and workshop 2 being organized from October 10-13, 2011 during the Pusan International Film Festival (October 6-14, 2011) in South Korea.
The workshops will bring together 10 film producers from Asian and European countries. Each producer will be selected together with a feature film project in development and will work with leading industry experts from both continents during the two workshops. Amongst a range of issues, sessions will focus on script development, co-production between Asia and Europe, financing in the two regions, marketing and promotion, and the legal aspects of co-production. The workshop participants will work together as a group, as well as through individual consultation, and will have the unusual opportunity to get to know each other very well with the object of forming long term creative and business partnerships and networks. The programme will culminate in Pusan in October 2011 with meetings between the participants and leading Asian and European funders and sales agents.
The workshop will enable feature film producers from both continents to work together in two four-day workshops and will offer the 10 selected participants:
- top level professional and project development,
- work on the comprehensive development of European and Asian projects,
- cooperation and co-production on these and future projects,
- the creation of in-depth awareness of the audiovisual market and operating conditions, legal frameworks, financing, sales, distribution and exhibition practices in both continents,
- networking between the participants and their companies to create medium and long term informational co-financing and co-production relationships,
- access to a network of producers, markets, festivals and decision makers in both continents.
Target group:
Experienced feature film producers from Asia (Japan, Korea, China incl. Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, Mongolia, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and Indonesia) and Europe wishing to work on an international scale and to create long term creative and business relationships between Europe and Asia. Interested producers should apply with a feature film project in development stage. European producers applying must be able to demonstrate a clear involvement with Asia and vice versa.
Project criteria:
- feature-length fiction film (for theatrical release)
- projects suitable for an international co-production and looking for co-producers
- preferably a minimum of 20% should be in place
- projects suggested by European applicants should have a link to Asia (thematic, cultural, technical) and the producer should be motivated to work with / in Asia and vice versa
- projects suggested by Asian applicants should have a potential for co-production and vice versa
- producer must have completed at least one film released theatrically in the last 3 years
- 1st draft of the script available in English for the workshop
Application documents:
- completed submission form (available for download on
- synopsis & treatment (8-10 pages)
- CV of the producer and the director
- profile of the production company
- note of intention of the producer & note of intention of the director
- motivation letter (1 page)
- previous works of the director
Scripts are to be sent only on request.
All documents have to be sent in English – the working language of the workshop will be English.
Participation fees & conditions:
The participation at EAVE Ties That Bind is free of charge. Each participant will be offered accommodation during the workshop stay (full board including meals). In addition, we will offer a number of partial scholarships to contribute to the travel costs.
The selection will be made by a selection committee and will be published by the end of March, 2011.
For further information and the application form please contact:
More information here.