Call for Scholarly Articles: Critical Response to Mahesh Dattani

29 January 2011
Call for Scholarly Articles: Critical Response to Mahesh Dattani
Deadline: 15 March 2011

Call for Papers:
Critical Response to Mahesh Dattani

Editor: Dr. Vishwanath Bite

I am pleased to forward this call for book tentatively titled Critical Response to Mahesh Dattani Scholarly articles/ papers are invited from Scholars, Critics and Academicians before 15th March 2011. The book will be published by well-known publisher with ISBN.

Editing requirements:

Paper size: A4, Font & size: Times New Roman 12, Spacing: Single line, Margin of 1 inch on all four sides.

Title of the paper: bold, sentence case (capitalize each word), centered.

Text of the paper: justified. Font & size: Times New Roman 12.

References: Please follow MLA style (Only Author-Date or Number System) strictly. Don’t use Foot Notes, Use End Notes

Titles of books: Italics.

Titles of articles from journals and books: “quoted”.

Articles should be submitted as MS Word 2003-2007 attachments only.

The paper should not usually exceed 11 pages maximum, 6 pages minimum in single spacing.

Each paper must be accompanied by

i) A declaration that it is an original work and has not been published anywhere else or sent for publication
ii) Abstract of paper about 100-200 words and
iii) A short bio-note of the contributor(s) indicating name, institutional affiliation, brief career history, postal address, mobile number and e-mail, in a single attachment. Please don’t send more attachments.
iv) Give these things below your paper and send all these things in a single attachment.

The papers submitted should evince serious academic work contributing new knowledge or innovative critical perspectives on the subject explored.

Mode of Submission:

Each contributor is advised to send full paper with brief bio-note, declaration and abstract as a single MS-Word email attachments to email address: up to 15th March 2011. The contributors are also supposed to submit one hard copy of the same i.e. (i) Full paper (ii) A declaration (iii) Abstract and (iv) Brief bio-note typed in above mentioned format on any of postal addresse given bellow. One hard copy is required for our record. Without hard copy no paper will be considered for publication.

Selection Procedure:

All submissions will be sent for blind peer reviewing. Final selection will be made only if the papers are recommended for publication by the reviewers. The details of the selection of your paper will be informed to you telephonically or on your email. The editor has the right to make necessary editing of selected papers for the sake of conceptual clarity and formatting. Non-selected papers will not be sent back to the contributor in any form. So, all contributors are advised to keep a copy of their submission with them.

Dr. Vishwanath Bite
Assistant Professor,
Department of English,
Bharati Vidyapeeth's
MBSK Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Kadegaon,
Tal. Kadegaon, Dist. Sangli.
Maharashtra, India. 415 304.
Mobile: 09423278008


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