Unicef Vietnam Seeks Proposals from Documentary Filmmakers

29 December 2010
Unicef Vietnam Seeks Proposals from Documentary Filmmakers
Deadline: 7 January 2011

UNICEF Viet Nam is looking for an institution or a consultant team under an institutional contract for production of a documentary film highlighting maternal, neonatal child health nutrition and reproductive healthcare needs of vulnerable and marginalized women and children in Viet Nam.


It is well documented that involving beneficiary communities in programme planning, implementation and monitoring increases the likelihood of a programme being able address needs more effectively, increase sustainability and accountability. Unfortunately, despite rhetoric, there are few opportunities for vulnerable and marginalised Vietnamese women and children to actually be part of UN agency, partner or national level processes. One reason for this is the difficulty in ensuring fair representation, strong coordination and ability of agencies to ensure beneficiary voices and needs are directly heard. Anecdotes and human stories help paint a real picture.

The Government of Viet Nam is in the process of developing its next five year health plan; Viet Nam is graduating to a middle income country; the One UN process moves forward revealing opportunities for UNICEFR, WHO and UNFPA to harmonise and align resources supporting maternal, neonatal, child health, nutrition and reproductive health efforts. Unfortunately inequities in access to health prevention and care are widening. The voices of the most vulnerable mothers and children need to be heard if their needs are to be met and the inequities addressed.

Aims, objectives, target audience and vulnerable groups

Overall aim: To document human stories and anecdotes from vulnerable groups of children, their caregivers and health workers that highlight their needs in terms of maternal, neonatal, child and reproductive health (including nutrition and water and sanitation).

Target audience of film: Donors, UN (especially UNICEF, WHO or UNFPA), NGOs and the Government policy making bodies. The film could be used in its totality to raise public awareness or to advocate for technical or financial resources. The individual human stories or anecdotes could help demonstrate an issue.


1. To produce a 20-minute documentary film on the maternal, neonatal, child and reproductive health needs of vulnerable women and children in Viet Nam;
2. To include within the film individual human stories that clearly demonstrate the needs of individual children and their caregivers that can be used as stand-alone material if necessary;
3. To demonstrate and make the links between broader socio economic issues, health needs and current disparities in health.
2.4 Vulnerable groups interviewed: will include children and caregivers from ethnic minorities, living in rural poverty, affected by natural disaster, migrant families, living in urban poverty, those dealing with chronic health conditions such as HIV or living with disabilities.
2.5 Health workers interviewed: it is also expected that health workers at village, commune, district and province levels would also be interviewed to document the constraints of the healthcare provider working in the system.

Methodology and Technical Approach

The documentary film is expected to be a comprehensive story about Health Equity in Viet Nam, and should also include interviews with key policy makers within the Government, UN agencies and NGOs. However the main emphasis should be on demonstrating and giving voice to the needs of children and their care givers. The film crew will be expected to take part in the whole process.

Technical approach and clear questions and interviews: The team will be guided by a UN group to help devise open ended questions that highlight the needs of vulnerable groups of children and their care givers. Interview questions will focus on the maternal, neonatal, child and reproductive health needs (including nutrition, water and sanitation) and suggested mechanisms of overcoming barriers to access for hard to reach populations and increasing accountability of services to address needs. The questions will allow open ended answers and designed in such a way as to allow dialogue and most importantly anecdotes where possible.

Selection of vulnerable groups, health workers and geographic areas: Vulnerable groups and health workers serving them will be selected on the basis of need, logistics and highlighting areas where UNICEF, WHO or UNFPA work. In each specific geographical areas of Northern Mountainous Area, Red River Delta, Urban Area and Mekong River Delta will select one case study for filming. The case study should be represented for the poor and vulnerable groups. The case study in UNICEF Provincial Child Friendly Provinces (PCFP) will be considered to select.

Filming and cultural sensitivity: The film crew will require briefing from the UN team to ensure cultural aspects of behaviour and interviews are respected. Permission for filming will be requested to local authorities.

Confidentiality and permission: Any person interviewed will need to be happy with signed permission that they give their written consent for material to be used in the public domain.
Editing and producing: It is expected that the film crew will, as guided by the UN team, edit according to needs and target approaches for the final product.

Coordination: The film team will work under supervision and in collaboration with UNICEF, representatives of WHO, UNFPA and the One UN Communications Team.

Interested candidates are kindly requested to submit the following information:

  • Letter of interest Proposal on how the film will be developed and contained (overall plan for film development)
  • Proposed budget and fees CVs/P-11 forms of the team leader and members

Please indicate the title of the assignment on the top left corner of envelop and address to UNICEF at:

Human Resources Unit
81A Tran Quoc Toan street, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Or via email: ntha@unicef.org
Closing date for receipt of proposals: COB 07 January 2011.

More information here.
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