The Environment Agency Abu Dhabi's Environment Newspaper Article Competition

28 December 2010
The Environment Agency Abu Dhabi's Environment Newspaper Article Competition
Deadline: 1 February 2011

Competition Guidelines - University

The Annual Environment Competition can be easily integrated into the School's curriculum for the year for the children to learn about the environment in a fun and exciting way.

General Guidelines

* This competition is open only to college students currently studying in an institution from the United Arab Emirates.
* University Students wishing to participate in the competition must first register online through the web site.

* Entries for categories 1, 2 and 4 must be uploaded online by logging in once the registration process is complete.

All these entries must include the name of the university and the student’s name clearly mentioned. The tracking number for the package must be registered online as well.

* To ensure authenticity all college students must provide valid id or references to validate their entries.
* The terms and conditions for each category are clearly explained in the Competition Categories page.

Newspaper Article

Option 1

Write a feature story about Biodiversity Conservation in the UAE. Comment on the current efforts and suggest ways for improvement.


1. Federal law number 23 and 24 in UAE clearly outlines Protection and conservation of wildlife and resources in the country.
2. UAE has also ratified several international convention and treaties thereby committing to protection and conservation of Biodiversity
3. UAE has put great efforts on protection and conservation of both marine and terrestrial endangered species such as the Arabian Oryx, Hawksbill Turtles, and Dugong etc. It has some great success stories to its credit
4. Did you know that Falcons too need to have passports in the UAE? To protect falcons in the wild and at the same time keep up the tradition of falconry, the UAE only allows captive bred falcons for hunting.

Option 2

Youth are always referred to as ‘agents of change’, conduct a survey in your college or among youth and write articles on how concerned are the youth about biodiversity issues and how can they contribute towards biodiversity conservation?


1. Annual survey conducted during 2009 by the Environment Agency- Abu Dhabi to assess the level of awareness showed that awareness about biodiversity issue starts waning from the school to the college level.
2. Very small percentage of youth are actually are a part of any youth action for the environment.
3. Speed boats have been cited as one of the cause for mortality of dugongs as dugongs need to come up to the surface in the sea to breathe and very often their head gets cut by the propellers of speed boat. Dune bashing destroys the smaller mammal’s home in the desert.

Terms and Conditions

* This is an individual category.
* The Article must not exceed 1000 words.
* Each entrant can submit only ONE entry
* Interviews and expert opinion can be incorporated in the story.
* All entries must be uploaded on the website.

Register and submit here.
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