Reform Judaism, 633 Third Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10017. (P) 212-650-4240. (F) 212-650-4249. Email: Website: Joy Weinberg, Managing Editor. "REFORM JUDAISM is the official voice of the Union for Reform Judaism, linking the institutions and affiliates of Reform Judaism with every Reform Jew. Received quarterly by 305,000 member households (members of more than 900+ Union congregations) as a benefit of their synagogue's Union affiliation, RJ strives to convey the creativity, diversity, and dynamism of Reform Judaism. RJ covers developments within our movement while interpreting world events and Jewish tradition from a Reform perspective. An American Jewish Press Association first-place Simon Rockower Award winner for excellence in feature writing, Reform Judaism's feature stories are controversial, probing problems, exploring solutions, teaching, and inspiring.
A special 'Focus' educational section presents multiple perspectives on a specific theme--Jewish ritual, history, beliefs, and issues--to stimulate further reading, study, and discussion. Subjects covered include: Jewish history, ethics, the Holocaust, Israel and Zionism, Jewish movements, family, texts, holidays, theology, and more. Our lifestyle columns showcase contentious opinions and model programs and services which enhance Jewish life." Welcomes new writers. Circ. 305K. Quarterly. Pays on publication. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Buys first North American serial rights. Accepts exceptional reprints. Responds 2-8 weeks. Sample copy available online for $3.50. Subscription $12, $18 Canada, $24 other. Guidelines available online at
CURRENT NEEDS: Queries. Pays $0.30/word. See guidelines for more info. Submit query per guidelines. "Include cover letter, manuscript or proposal, and a self-addressed, stamped postcard with three choices: 1.) Yes, we're interested in publishing, 2.) No, regrettably we have to pass on publication, 3.) Maybe, we'll hold for future consideration."
PHOTOS/ART: Payment varies depending on submission.
HINTS: "Become very familiar with the content, perspectives, and style of the magazine before submitting."
More information here/here.
A special 'Focus' educational section presents multiple perspectives on a specific theme--Jewish ritual, history, beliefs, and issues--to stimulate further reading, study, and discussion. Subjects covered include: Jewish history, ethics, the Holocaust, Israel and Zionism, Jewish movements, family, texts, holidays, theology, and more. Our lifestyle columns showcase contentious opinions and model programs and services which enhance Jewish life." Welcomes new writers. Circ. 305K. Quarterly. Pays on publication. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Buys first North American serial rights. Accepts exceptional reprints. Responds 2-8 weeks. Sample copy available online for $3.50. Subscription $12, $18 Canada, $24 other. Guidelines available online at
CURRENT NEEDS: Queries. Pays $0.30/word. See guidelines for more info. Submit query per guidelines. "Include cover letter, manuscript or proposal, and a self-addressed, stamped postcard with three choices: 1.) Yes, we're interested in publishing, 2.) No, regrettably we have to pass on publication, 3.) Maybe, we'll hold for future consideration."
PHOTOS/ART: Payment varies depending on submission.
HINTS: "Become very familiar with the content, perspectives, and style of the magazine before submitting."
More information here/here.