Paying Market: Clubhouse, pays $0.15-$0.25 per word

18 October 2010
Paying Market: Clubhouse, pays $0.15-$0.25 per word
From The Writer Gazette:

$.15 - $.25/word

This Christian publication is for children 8-12 years old. They use articles of 200-1000 words, fiction 500-1400 words. Pays.15 to .20 word for nonfiction; $75-$200 for fiction on acceptance. They are open to some unsolicited material again. Buys 1st rights. They do not want contemporary fiction set in the US, but do want historical American fiction or embellished accounts of true events. They also want stories set in Asia, South America, the CIS and Canada. They list buying puzzles in some directories, but have told me they rarely have money for puzzles. They don't buy poetry or anything dealing with boy-girl relationships. Currently want stories about young athletes (with a Christian angle) and real-life drama. 8605 Explorer Drive, Colorado Springs CO 80920: Jesse Florea, Editor.

More information here.
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