Harvard Kennedy School Indonesia Program: Call for Indonesia Research Fellows

17 October 2010
Harvard Kennedy School Indonesia Program: Call for Indonesia Research Fellows
Deadline: 29 October 2010

Harvard Kennedy School Indonesia Program

Call for Indonesia Research Fellows for January-June 2011

The Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Indonesia Program invites Indonesian researchers, academics, and practitioners to apply for Indonesia Research Fellowships for the period January 15 to June 15, 2011 in order to pursue independent research projects at the Rajawali Foundation Institute for Asia, which is part of the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation of the Harvard Kennedy School. Successful applicants will join a lively community of researchers working on Asia-related issues.

* Appointments will run from January 15 to June 15, 2011.
* With instructor approval, Research Fellows may “audit” classes at the Harvard Kennedy School or other Harvard schools.
* Research Fellows will receive a certificate upon completion, but no degrees will be conferred.
* Indonesian Research Fellows will receive shared office space within the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation.
* Fellows will have access to the library system of Harvard University.
* For Indonesian Research Fellows, HKS will provide or pay for appropriate housing, health insurance, and a modest living stipend. HKS will not provide international transportation or pay for pre-departure costs. (If accepted, research fellows are encouraged to seek financial support from their employers or other sponsors for these items.)

Criteria and Expectations

Fellows must be fluent in both written and spoken English. All fellows will be expected to participate in research seminars, produce a ten-page written paper summarizing their research, and to make at least two presentations (one in the Cambridge area and at least one in Indonesia) about their research.

Indonesian Research Fellowships are open to candidates from government, academia, and independent research communities. Preference will be given to candidates whose proposed area of research is linked to the Research Priorities of the HKS Indonesia Program.

Application and Deadlines

Candidates are encouraged to apply by October 29, 2010 for the Indonesian Research Fellowships to begin in January 2011. (Deadlines for Indonesian Research Fellowships for the period August to December 2011 will be announced later, so please check www.ash.harvard.edu/indonesia for updated information.)

To apply, please prepare the following materials:

1. Cover page with name, contact information, and affiliation
2. Resume or Curriculum Vitae, including any publishing history
3. Letter from supervisor or host institution providing a strong rationale of why this candidate should be chosen and how she/he will contribute to accelerating reform in Indonesia.
4. Proposal describing research or project to be conducted during this Research Fellowship:

* Main policy questions to be examined
* Value to Indonesia
* Relevant literature and data
* Research methodology to be used
* Results to be achieved
* Relationship of this proposed Research Fellowship to any previous or future research, including any internationally-published research
* Contribution to HKSIP. See Research Priorities and Indonesia.

Please send the application materials via email to hks_indonesia@hks.harvard.edu with a copy to Elizabeth_Osborn@harvard.edu.

Who we are. As the world’s largest majority Muslim country, Indonesia is an important model for positive institutional change. Started in 2010 with the generous support of the Rajawali Foundation, the Harvard Kennedy School Indonesia Program promotes better public policy analysis of Indonesia by bringing more Indonesians to the Harvard Kennedy School, by designing and implementing executive education (short courses) in Indonesia and in Cambridge, and by sponsoring faculty research on key public policy topics. More information about the HKS Indonesia program is available at www.ash.harvard.edu/indonesia, and questions may be sent to hks_indonesia@hks.harvard.edu. Terima kasih!

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