Celebrating Cultural Diversity: The Frances Lincoln Diverse Voices Children’s Book Award (for unpublished manuscripts)

24 September 2010
Celebrating Cultural Diversity: The Frances Lincoln Diverse Voices Children’s Book Award (for unpublished manuscripts)
Deadline: 25 February 2011

The Frances Lincoln Diverse Voices Children’s Book Award is for a manuscript that celebrates cultural diversity in the widest possible sense, either in terms of its story or in terms of the ethnic and cultural origins of its author. The prize of £1,500, plus the option for Janetta Otter-Barry at Frances Lincoln Children’s Books to publish the novel, will be awarded to the best work of unpublished fiction for 8–to-12-year-olds by a writer, aged 16 years or over, who has not previously published a novel for children. The writer may have contributed to an anthology of prose or poetry. The work must be written in English and it must be a minimum of 15,000 words and a maximum of 35,000 words. Previously submitted manuscripts which were not short-listed will be considered for entry.

The closing date for all entries is midnight on Friday 25 February 2011.

• Only one submission per writer will be accepted.
• Submissions must be one complete novel. A collection or series of stories will not be considered.
• Retellings of a published or traditional story will not be considered.
• All Applicants must be aged 16 or over by the closing date.
• Submissions cannot be accepted from employees and their relatives of Frances Lincoln Limited or Seven Stories, the Centre for Children’s Books.
• The winner will be announced at an Award Ceremony in June 2011. The judges’ decision is final.
• Janetta Otter-Barry Books at Frances Lincoln Children’s Books reserves the option to publish the winning novel.

Note 1. Previously published refers to a writer who is currently or has previously been accepted onto a publisher’s list and has had a novel published for the 8-12s market. This includes independent publishers who covered the costs of publication and/or promotion.

A writer who has worked with an independent publisher or has self-published a novel for the 8-12s market and can demonstrate that he/she self-financed all or part of the publishing and promotion costs should enquire about their eligibility to enter.

Submission Guidelines

All Submissions
• Your manuscript must be written in English and be a minimum of 15,000 words and a maximum of 35,000 words.
• Your manuscript should be typed in a clear font such as, Times Roman, Verdana, Arial, Courier, Garamond, Helvetica and at least 10 point.
• Double line spacing should be used.
• Please include the title of your manuscript on each page.
• Each page of your manuscript should be clearly numbered.
• Please mark your manuscript clearly at the point where your word count reaches 5,000
• Please do not include your name or contact details anywhere on your manuscript.

Email Submissions
• Email submissions are welcomed.
• Manuscripts and entry forms should be attached as word documents no bigger than 2MB each.
• Entry forms are available at www.sevenstories.org.uk

Please email your entry to diversevoices@sevenstories.org.uk or helena@sevenstories.org.uk

Postal Submissions
• Postal entries should be submitted as a loose leaf A4 document and printed single sided.
• Please note we are unable to return postal submissions
• Please note we cannot accept handwritten submissions.

More information here.
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