Call for Applicants for Arts Network Asia Grants from the Ford Foundation (includes projects in literature and film)

21 September 2010
Call for Applicants for Arts Network Asia Grants from the Ford Foundation (includes projects in literature and film)
Deadline: 1 October 2010

Applications for Arts Network Asia (ANA) Grants 2011

Artists, cultural workers and arts activists interested in collaboration, networking, dialogue and exchange in Asia are now welcome to apply for the Arts Network Asia (ANA) Grants 2011 scheme.

ANA supports projects that are carried out by Asian artists, residing in Asia and projects that are to be initiated and implemented in Asia, engaging with Asian artists and arts communities. Projects that encourage provocative exchanges and collaborations between and among various cultures and communities within Asia will be considered.

ANA pays attention to the contemporary experience of Asia including its relationship with traditions. This includes urban expressions, contemporary arts, contemporary arts and its relationship to traditional arts. These collaborations and exchanges with diverse cultures can be within the same country or the same city. ANA would look into the potential of local-regional-global complementation.

ANA supports projects in multiple disciplines such as performing arts, visual arts, film/video/new media, literature, critical discourse, arts management and technical arts as well as hybrid interdisciplinary projects. In considering proposals, ANA will include the following as its criteria for selection:

(1) Independent and process-oriented arts projects
(2) Sustainable, long-term development programme
(3) Artistic merit of the project and its positive impact on the arts communities
(4) Visibility of the project e.g. physical events, project website/blog
(5) Presence of other sources of funding and
(6) Proposed project should be implemented from February 2011 onwards.

The ANA grants range from US$1,500 – 7,500 for each project.

Applicants are required to submit one-A4 page project proposal plus a 200-word bio/profile in PDF format via the ANA website ( The deadline for the submission is 1 October 2010.

Past projects supported by ANA can be found on ANA website, these can be reviewed for reference. If there are ANA Peer Panel members residing in your country, they can also be consulted for guidance and assistance. Peer Panel names and contacts are available on ANA website.

For further information or inquiries, please contact:
Manuporn Luengaram, Manager
fax on +65-6737-7013
Tay Tong, Director

For more information, please visit Arts Network Asia

About Arts Network Asia (ANA)

Arts Network Asia (ANA) is a regional and independent network of artists, cultural workers and arts activists from Asia and an enabling grant body, working across borders in multiple disciplines that encourages and supports artistic collaboration, dialogue, exchange as well as develop managerial and administrative skills within Asia. ANA is motivated by the philosophy of meaningful collaboration, distinguished by mutual respect, initiated in Asia and carried out together with Asian artists and arts communities.

ANA was found in 1999 by Ong Keng Sen, Artistic Director of TheatreWorks (Singapore).
It was hosted and managed by TheatreWorks (Singapore) from 1999 to 2003. Five Arts Centre (Malaysia) hosted the network from 2004 to 2006. Since 2007, ANA has been hosted and managed by TheatreWorks at 72-13, Singapore.

The ANA is supported by The Ford Foundation.

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