The $1000 Arc Essay Contest for Middle East Peace (seeks entries worldwide)

21 September 2010
The $1000 Arc Essay Contest for Middle East Peace (seeks entries worldwide)
We are calling on college and graduate students from any country who believe the Arc is an exciting idea worth supporting to write an essay in the form of a "Policy Brief" to President Obama.

Deadline: 8 October 2010

Background: Middle East Peace

The Obama Administration has just helped restart direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians. The talks are aimed at achieving a comprehensive peace accord based on a two-state solution: Israel and Palestine living side by in peace and security. We believe that the Arc, developed by the RAND Corporation and Suisman Urban Design, is the best plan for ensuring a viable Palestinian state - an essential component for sustainable peace, prosperity, and security in the region. Therefore, our mission is to encourage Obama Administration officials to make the Arc part of their Middle East diplomatic strategy.

The Essay: A Policy Brief to President Obama

To advance this mission, we are calling on college and graduate students from any country who believe the Arc is an exciting idea worth supporting to write an essay in the form of a "Policy Brief" to President Obama. The Brief should respond to the following prompt:

"With the resumption of direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians, many observers doubt that more of the same purely political discussions will finally produce a comprehensive peace settlement; they suggest that some paradigm-changing idea is needed to break the deadlock. You have been asked to brief President Obama about the Arc project. Prepare a policy brief making the case that the Arc plan is just such a compelling idea, and that with U.S. support, it could help negotiators achieve a breakthrough for peace."


Briefs will be judged by members of the FOTA Board of Directors and will be evaluated on: 1. the familiarity with the Arc concept based on the videos (both the 8-minute and 35-minute versions) and publications available at our website ( and 2. the persuasiveness of the arguments about the Arc’s potential to help achieve peace.

$1,000 Prize

The author of the winning Brief will receive a $1,000 cash prize and will be featured on our website.


Your Brief should not exceed 1,000 words in length. At the top of your submission, include your full name, college or university*, and current email address. At the bottom, add a line stating: “I certify that this essay is my own work.” FOTA reserves the right to post part or all of any submission on its website and to send one or more to President Obama.

*you must be currently enrolled or have graduated within the past 12 months


Submissions are due on October 8, 2010 by 6pm Eastern Standard Time (Washington D.C.). The format must be .doc or .pdf. Submit by email to


Questions by applicants or the media should be submitted to

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