AsmaNadia Writing Workshop (Indonesia)

28 September 2010
AsmaNadia Writing Workshop (Indonesia)

Date: 10 October 2010

This is a writing workshop for beginners. The participants will have the opportunity to write with Asma Nadia, and will have the chance to be published in an anthology. Call Ronnie 081282210742 for more information.
  • Daftar berdua masing-masing cuma Rp. 250.000 hemat Rp. 150.000 dari harga normal Rp. 400.000/org
  • Mendaftar di 20 pendaftar pertama, diskon 25% alias hemat Rp. Rp. 100.000
  • Early bird Pendaftaran sebelum tanggal 1O ktober diskon Rp. 50.000!
  • Fasilitas: Sertifikat, modul, lunch dan snack time, serta doorprize.
More information here.
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