Deadline: 15 September 2010
The Asia Pacific Dialogue initiative provides a special opportunity for mid-to-senior career Australian and other Asia Pacific journalists to improve their knowledge of issues and developments in the region and thereby contribute to better public understanding.
The Fellowships, funded by the Myer Foundation and Dame Elisabeth Murdoch, involve a dialogue and orientation program at the Sidney Myer Asia Centre and the Asia Pacific Journalism Centre in Melbourne, followed by a two-week study tour in the Asia Pacific region, with opportunities for further dialogue and professional networking.
Theme: Challenges to stability and development in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore
While China, India and Japan command premium attention in Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore emerge as important and interconnected sites of economic growth and transition, political and social development, and environmental challenge.
How these nations singly and collectively face the journey ahead, in the wake of the global financial crisis and under the threat of climate change, will have direct impacts on security, development and the environment, in the region and beyond. The inaugural 2010 Asia Pacific Dialogue Fellowships program will look at how each of these countries is dealing with the challenges it faces. Themes to be explored include economic strategies post-GFC; changing livelihoods and poverty alleviation; cross border labor flows; ethnic, religious and regional identifications; new values from Islam in the marketplace; security arrangements in the growth triangle; responses to climate change, including investment in clean energy technologies, and other themes identified by participants.
Professional visits will be arranged for most days, but some time will be available for reporting. Study tour leader: Dr Nigel McCarthy, former Jakarta correspondent for SBS Television, lecturer and regional documentary film maker
Dates: 8-26 November 2010
Destinations: Melbourne, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta
Application deadline: Wednesday, 15 September, 2010
Open to: Mid-to-senior career print, broadcast, and online journalists in Australia, Asia and Pacific island nations. Typically, Fellows will have a minimum of eight years’ professional experience.
Applicants must have the ability to communicate effectively in English.
Successful applicants will be expected to submit a short paper in essay, article or key point form (no more than three pages) for use in discussions during the dialogue and orientation program. The paper, to be submitted the week before the program starts, should relate to developments in your community that relate in some way to the program theme. Additional costs: This program is supported by philanthropic grants, which cover most costs, such as travel, accommodation and meals. At the same time, employers of Fellows are asked to contribute support for their Fellow’s participation where possible, to help cover APJC administration costs and demonstrate commitment to the program.
Fellows are responsible for visa fees and related expenses. See application form for further information on costs and participant obligations.
Applications should be submitted using the APD Fellowships application form. The application should include:
A statement of interest (no more than 500 words), outlining:
what you expect to achieve from taking part in the program
the topics you would like to cover in the paper you will submit (if selected)
a brief description of your news organisation
Your supervisor’s letter of recommendation outlining your suitability for the Fellowship and how your participation will benefit your organisation. Your employer’s statement of support (see application form).
Applications may be sent by e-mail, fax or post:
Email: (write “APD Fellowship application” in header)
Fax: +61 3 9387 9750 (write “APD Fellowship application” in header)
Post: APD Fellowships
Asia Pacific Journalism Centre
90 Amess Street, Carlton North
Victoria 3054 AUSTRALIA
Applications received after Wednesday, 15 September, 2010 will not be considered.
For more information, including questions about the application process, please contact project officer
Alex Kennedy: or +61 3 9387 9740
Skype name: alexandrakennedy
The Asia Pacific Journalism Centre is an independent, not-for-profit organisation, which runs professional development programs for news media in developing countries and professional enrichment programs for journalists internationally.
More information here.
The Asia Pacific Dialogue initiative provides a special opportunity for mid-to-senior career Australian and other Asia Pacific journalists to improve their knowledge of issues and developments in the region and thereby contribute to better public understanding.
The Fellowships, funded by the Myer Foundation and Dame Elisabeth Murdoch, involve a dialogue and orientation program at the Sidney Myer Asia Centre and the Asia Pacific Journalism Centre in Melbourne, followed by a two-week study tour in the Asia Pacific region, with opportunities for further dialogue and professional networking.
Theme: Challenges to stability and development in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore
While China, India and Japan command premium attention in Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore emerge as important and interconnected sites of economic growth and transition, political and social development, and environmental challenge.
How these nations singly and collectively face the journey ahead, in the wake of the global financial crisis and under the threat of climate change, will have direct impacts on security, development and the environment, in the region and beyond. The inaugural 2010 Asia Pacific Dialogue Fellowships program will look at how each of these countries is dealing with the challenges it faces. Themes to be explored include economic strategies post-GFC; changing livelihoods and poverty alleviation; cross border labor flows; ethnic, religious and regional identifications; new values from Islam in the marketplace; security arrangements in the growth triangle; responses to climate change, including investment in clean energy technologies, and other themes identified by participants.
Professional visits will be arranged for most days, but some time will be available for reporting. Study tour leader: Dr Nigel McCarthy, former Jakarta correspondent for SBS Television, lecturer and regional documentary film maker
Dates: 8-26 November 2010
Destinations: Melbourne, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta
Application deadline: Wednesday, 15 September, 2010
Open to: Mid-to-senior career print, broadcast, and online journalists in Australia, Asia and Pacific island nations. Typically, Fellows will have a minimum of eight years’ professional experience.
Applicants must have the ability to communicate effectively in English.
Successful applicants will be expected to submit a short paper in essay, article or key point form (no more than three pages) for use in discussions during the dialogue and orientation program. The paper, to be submitted the week before the program starts, should relate to developments in your community that relate in some way to the program theme. Additional costs: This program is supported by philanthropic grants, which cover most costs, such as travel, accommodation and meals. At the same time, employers of Fellows are asked to contribute support for their Fellow’s participation where possible, to help cover APJC administration costs and demonstrate commitment to the program.
Fellows are responsible for visa fees and related expenses. See application form for further information on costs and participant obligations.
Applications should be submitted using the APD Fellowships application form. The application should include:
A statement of interest (no more than 500 words), outlining:
what you expect to achieve from taking part in the program
the topics you would like to cover in the paper you will submit (if selected)
a brief description of your news organisation
Your supervisor’s letter of recommendation outlining your suitability for the Fellowship and how your participation will benefit your organisation. Your employer’s statement of support (see application form).
Applications may be sent by e-mail, fax or post:
Email: (write “APD Fellowship application” in header)
Fax: +61 3 9387 9750 (write “APD Fellowship application” in header)
Post: APD Fellowships
Asia Pacific Journalism Centre
90 Amess Street, Carlton North
Victoria 3054 AUSTRALIA
Applications received after Wednesday, 15 September, 2010 will not be considered.
For more information, including questions about the application process, please contact project officer
Alex Kennedy: or +61 3 9387 9740
Skype name: alexandrakennedy
The Asia Pacific Journalism Centre is an independent, not-for-profit organisation, which runs professional development programs for news media in developing countries and professional enrichment programs for journalists internationally.
More information here.