The Tampa Review Prize for Poetry

22 August 2010
The Tampa Review Prize for Poetry
Deadline: 31 December 2010
Eligibility: no restrictions
Reading Fee: $25
Accepts (genre): collection of poems
Prize/Payment: $2,000

Hardback Book Publication • $2,000 Award • Selected Poems in Tampa Review

Winning manuscripts are issued in both hardback and paperback editions & authors receive royalties on sales in addition to the cash award. Past winners include Jordan Smith, Julia B. Levine, Sarah Maclay, Lance Larsen, Jane Ellen Glasser, Steve Kowit, and Kent Shaw, and range from first books to new titles by well-published poets.

Guidelines for Submission

1. Manuscripts must be previously unpublished. Some or all of the poems in the collection may have appeared in periodicals, chapbooks, or anthologies, but these must be identified.

2. Manuscripts should be typed, with pages consecutively numbered. Clear photocopies are acceptable. Manuscripts must be at least 48 typed pages; we prefer a length of 60-100 pages but will also consider submissions falling outside this range.

3. Please submit your manuscript as loose pages held only by a removable clip or rubber band and enclosed in a standard file folder. Do not staple or bind your manuscript.

4. Entries should include a separate title page with author’s name, address, phone number, and e-mail address (if available).

5. Entries must include a table of contents and a separate acknowledgments page (or pages) identifying prior publication credits.

6. Submissions must be postmarked by Dec. 31. Simultaneous submissions are permitted, but the University of Tampa Press must be notified immediately if the manuscript is accepted elsewhere.

7. Include a nonrefundable handling fee of $25 for each manuscript submitted. Make check or money order payable to “University of Tampa Press.”

8. The winning entry will be announced in the subsequent spring, usually by May 15. Enclose a stamped, self-addressed postcard for notification of receipt of manuscript, and a stamped, self-addressed envelope for notification of contest results. No manuscripts will be returned; the paper will be recycled. All contestants enclosing SASE will be notified following the final selection.

Manuscripts should be sent to:

The Tampa Review Prize for Poetry
University of Tampa Press
401 West Kennedy Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33606-1490

More information here.
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