The $1,000 Danahy Fiction Prize for Unpublished Short Fiction

22 August 2010
The $1,000 Danahy Fiction Prize for Unpublished Short Fiction
Deadline: 1 November 2010
Eligibility: no restrictions
Reading Fee: $15
Accepts (genre): previously unpublished work of short fiction
Prize/Payment: $1,000, publication

The Danahy Fiction Prize is an award of $1,000 and publication in Tampa Review given annually for a previously unpublished work of short fiction. Submissions between 500 and 5,000 words are preferred; manuscripts falling slightly outside this range will also be considered. Tampa Review editors will judge, and all entries will be considered for publication.

Manuscripts should be double-spaced and include a cover page with author’s name, mailing address, and other contact information, plus a total word count for the manuscript. Enclose a $15 entry fee payable to “Tampa Review.” All entrants receive a one-year subscription to Tampa Review. Entries must be postmarked by November 1 and mailed to:

Tampa Review
Danahy Fiction Prize
The University of Tampa
401 West Kennedy Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33606-1490

More information here.
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