Journalist In Charge Wanted for ABC News (Australia/$61,285 p.a.)

30 August 2010
Journalist In Charge Wanted for ABC News (Australia/$61,285 p.a.)
Position: Journalist In Charge
Location: Bundaberg
Seeking applicants from: Australia
Salary: $55,000 - $61,285 p.a.
Deadline: 10 September 2010
Company name: ABC News

The Queensland News team has three vacancies for journalists, located in Bundaberg, Toowoomba and Cairns. These roles require broadcast journalists with the ability to write accurately and quickly. You will have the ability, or the potential, to produce and present radio bulletins. These roles are expected to provide content for ABC news online and you will also need the ability to do live Q&A's with Local Radio and the ability, or potential, to do radio current affairs stories and TV News. If you have the ability to break stories, have good contacts, and have excellent local knowledge, apply now.

ABC Journalist In Charge - Bundaberg

* Bundaberg, Queensland
* $55,000 - $61,285 p.a. + Generous Super

ABC News in Queensland is looking for a Journalist in Charge in Bundaberg. You must have experience in reporting, producing and presenting radio news. You will be able to exercise editorial judgement, making timely and sound decisions under pressure. You will have advanced journalistic and leadership skills, with the ability to lead a two-person newsroom. As part of small team in a growing region, strong local knowledge and contacts are required. You will be committed to the ABC's broadcast objectives and standards. You will be required to file for both radio and online, with the potential to develop video journalist skills for television news.

Selection Criteria:

1. Strong editorial background, with ability to report, produce and present radio news.
2. A track record in breaking stories and the ability to build contacts.
3. Good communication skills and the ability to provide leadership in a small newsroom.
4. Ability to provide online content, Local Radio Q & A's and the potential to provide radio current affairs stories.
5. Thorough knowledge of the Wide Bay area.
6. A clear understanding to the ABC's Editorial Policies and News Style Guide.

* Audition material must be submitted with your application online (audio/mp3 files accepted up to 5MB).
* Copies of the ABC Editorial Policies are available at
* Applicants must address the selection criteria. For more information on how to apply visit

For further information contact Bernard Bowen on (07) 3377 5369.

Applications Close: 10 September 2010.

The ABC is an equal opportunity employer. The ABC invites Indigenous Australians to apply for this position.

More information here.
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