Eudaimonia Spring 2011 Chapbook Prize

22 August 2010
Eudaimonia Spring 2011 Chapbook Prize
Deadline: 31 December 2010
Eligibility: no restrictions
Reading Fee: no mention
Accepts (genre): 26 pages of original poetry
Prize/Payment: 100 copies of the publication

Submit no more than 26 pages of original poetry by December 31, 2010. Include biography and acknowledgements.

FORMAT: Please list your name and email address in the header of each page. Your manuscript will be coded for blind judging. Please save and submit your manuscript as a .doc or .rtf file.

The author of the winning chapbook will receive 100 copies of the publication. All entries will receive a copy of the winning chapbook.

Contest opens September 1, 2010. Contact for more information.

More information here.
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