We received close to a hundred entries and selecting a few for your reading pleasure was not an easy task. At Pothi.com, we particularly respect the fact the each individual has his or her own taste in reading and writing. So, apart from the entries that made it to the main issue, we are also going to put up some of the other entries we have received on the website. Do read them and give your praises or constructive feedback to the authors through comments.
In this Issue
*Inaugural Issue - From the Publisher's Desk
*The Soul is a Battery - Vivek Ramakrishnan
*The Matrimonial Clock - Shweta Ganesh Kumar
*Goodbye Mrs. Boa - Nazrul Haque
*Barberic Times - Abhijeet Deogirikar
*Oops! I made you a Daddy - Techknowbaby
*Thirteen Hours of Fame - Jatin Pathak
*Review: Inverting the Pyramid by Jonathan Wilson - Sriyansa Das
*Practical Lessons - Sree
*God Promise - Vibha Batra
*The Idiot - Abhishek Sahaya
*City's Seasons - Babitha Marina Justin
*Elegy - Ananya S Guha
*बेटी होने का दर्द - Priyanka Gupta
*सूना बचपन - Mohit Sharma
*Divine Sisterhood - Sonia Sarkar
More information here.