All foreign writers (based outside of Pakistan) will be sent a free copy of that particular issue, in which their article appears.
Hiba welcomes all those who wish to contribute to the magazine. However, we recommend that you go through a few past issues of Hiba to get the feel of the magazine and the kind of material we are looking for. Following are the submission guidelines if you are interested in writing something. All contributions should be emailed to: contributions@hibamagazine.com
Submission of Articles
Any write-up that is contributed to “Hiba” must be an original piece of work by the writer.
Not more than two articles per writer will be accepted in one issue.
The write-up should not have been published earlier elsewhere. Otherwise, it must be stated.
When submitting a particular article, the writer will be required to mention the section of the magazine for which the article is being submitted (e.g., “Youth forum,” “Our role model,” etc.).
At the time of submitting the article, the local writers (based in Pakistan) must clearly inform “Hiba”, whether they would prefer to receive remuneration for the article or complimentary copies of the relevant issue.
Guidelines for the Articles
The writers should keep the word count strictly within limits; otherwise, the editorial team will reserve the right to edit it mercilessly till the word count is met.
The number of pages required for the articles and their relevant word counts are: 1 page – 550 words; 2 pages – 1100 words; 3 pages (main feature) – 1800 words.
The article should NOT be a compilation of information from different websites. Even if the writer has reworded it, the ideas are still plagiarized. The article has to be original.
More information here.