Kartika Review Seeking Poetry Submissions

20 July 2010
Kartika Review Seeking Poetry Submissions
Also appearing in PAWAINC.

Kenji C. Liu, poetry editor of Kartika Review is looking for poetry submissions for the late-summer/early fall issue. The deadline is 08/02/2010.

About the journal: Kartika Review serves the Asian American community and those involved with Diasporic Asian-inspired literature. We scout for compelling Asian American creative writing and artwork to present to the public at large. Our editors actively solicit contributions from established virtuosos in our community in hopes their works here will inspire the next generation of virtuosos. We also want to promote emerging writers and artists we foresee to be the future powerhouses of their craft. Ultimately, Kartika strives to create a literary forum that caters to and celebrates the wordsmiths of the Asian Diaspora.

When submitting, please specify which genre your manuscript falls under:

Fiction | Attn: Christine Lee Zilka

Short stories, experimental or interpretive works of fiction, flash fiction and micro-fiction pieces fall under our category of fiction. We give due consideration to all submissions, but we strongly prefer works under 7,500 words.

Poetry | Attn: Kenji Liu

Narrative, prose, or lyrical poetry, free verse, eastern or western poetic forms, or works meant as spoken word are all welcome as poetry. We give due consideration to all submissions, but we strongly prefer works under 2,500 words.

Creative Nonfiction | Attn: Jennifer Derilo

For creative nonfiction, we are particularly interested in work (memoir, reportage, letters, essay, etc.) that touches on themes including--but not limited to--identity, memory, family, culture, history, trauma, dislocation. Alternative formats and subject matter are nonetheless welcome. We give due consideration to all submissions, but we strongly prefer works under 7,500 words.

Book Review | Attn: Editors

We do NOT accept unsolicited book reviews. To submit a book review, please send a query letter first, along with two samples of previously published writing. Also, be prepared to answer any additional questions our editors may have regarding your query. We strongly prefer books of any genre pertaining to Asian or Diasporic Asian interests. Address book review queries to Sunny Woan, who will then forward it on to a reviewing committee.

Art Submissions | Attn: Editors

Submit 8 to 10 slides of artwork from your portfolio. Attach them as image files no larger than 1 MB each or, in the alternative, zip them into one folder file. Also please include a 1-page Artist Statement. Selected works may also be used on the website or as part of the journal's cover design and layout.

More information here.
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