New Book: MELUS (Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S.)

26 June 2010
New Book: MELUS (Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S.)
Volume 35, Number 2, Summer 2010
E-ISSN: 1946-3170 Print ISSN: 0163-755X
DOI: 10.1353/mel.0.0111

Meta DuEwa Jones
Keith D. Leonard

Reveling in Fluidity, Resisting Dichotomies: An Interview with Barbara Jane Reyes and Matthew Shenoda

Well over a year ago, when we circulated a call inviting submissions from scholars and practitioners of poetry and poetics, we hoped to gather a range of works that would extend scholarly conversations about poetics across ethnic traditions. We encouraged contributors to focus on the line between the aesthetics and politics of language; the role varied verse forms and traditions play; the relationship between poetics and political movements, place, and performance; and the theory and practice of poetic customs within diverse writing communities.

More information here.
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