Eureka Street/Reader's Feast Award 2010 (Australia)

02 June 2010
Eureka Street/Reader's Feast Award 2010 (Australia)
The 2010 Eureka Street/Reader's Feast Award for Social Justice/Human Rights Writing (for writers 30+)

The 2010 Eureka Street/Reader's Feast Award will be presented to the writer of the essay that best explores the theme, 'Australia — a racist country?' in the context of one or all of these and related issues. Essays should feature a strong humane perspective, provide criticism of current situations and suggest positive outcomes or alternative ways forward. The winner's essay will be announced and presented during the Reader's Feast Crime and Justice Festival, taking place in Melbourne on 16, 17 and 18 July 2010, and will be published in Eureka Street.

Submission Guidelines (read carefully)

1. The award of $5000 is open to any Australian writer aged 30 or over as of 1 January 2010.
2. Only previously unpublished essays will be considered.
3. The essay should be no longer than 2000 words.
4. All entries must be received by 5pm Friday 11 June 2010.
5. Electronic submissions only. Please email your submission as a Word attachment to Include the words 'Submission: Eureka Street/Reader's Feast Award' in the subject line. Include a COVER LETTER in the body of your email, stating your full name, age, postal address and a contact telephone number.
6. The judge's decision is final; no correspondence will be entered into.
7. The winning author shall be asked to submit paperwork directly to Reader's Feast that includes an ABN and full banking information so the award money can be forwarded.
8. By submitting entries to the Eureka Street/Reader's Feast Award, the author acknowledges that the essay is their own original work, and agrees to abide by the rules of the competition and the decision of the judges.

Eureka Street's Margaret Dooley Award

Eureka Street's Margaret Dooley Award is offered to support the development of young writers. Entrants should submit a piece of writing that offers reasoned ethical argument based on humane values. This could take many forms, for example: advocacy or criticism of current ethical frameworks; an ethical response to a contemporary social or political issue; ethical exploration of personal experience or cultural phenomena. Note: Entries to the Margaret Dooley Award DO NOT NEED to reflect the theme of the Eureka Street/Reader's Feast Award. The winner's essay, and the two runners-up, will be announced and presented during the Reader's Feast Crime and Justice Festival, taking place in Melbourne on 16, 17 and 18 July, and will be published in Eureka Street.

Submission Guidelines

1. The award of $1500 is open to any writer under the age of 30, as of 1 January 2010. Second place in the award is awarded $350, and third $150.
2. Entrants must submit a previously unpublished piece of ethical exploration that will engage a non-specialist audience. Contributions will be judged for their appeal to humane values, such as those that are found within, but are not exclusive to, the best of the Christian humanist tradition. These should be expressed in clear argument and elegant expression, and a generosity and courtesy of spirit within forceful argument.
3. The piece of writing should be no longer than 1500 words.
4. All entries must be received by 5pm Friday 11 June 2010.
5. Electronic submissions only. Please email your submission as a Word attachment to Include a COVER LETTER in the body of your email, stating your full name, age, postal address and a contact telephone number.
6. The awards will be made only if the judges believe the winning entries are of sufficient quality. The judge's decision is final; no correspondence will be entered into.
7. By submitting entries to the 2010 Margaret Dooley Award, the author acknowledges that the pieces are their own original work, and agrees to abide by the rules of the competition and the decision of the judges.

More information here.
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