Paying Market: Anthology on Voluntourism (Volunteer Travel)

02 May 2010
Paying Market: Anthology on Voluntourism (Volunteer Travel)
Project: Anthology on Voluntourism (volunteer travel)
Word count: 600 – 2,000

Subject Details

Volunteering experiences from all types of travel projects (humanitarianism, conservation, archeology, building, family trips, budget, high-end, tour combos, animal rescue, do it yourself, organized tours, etc) and travel advice focused on voluntourism.


$75.00 (US), a $25.00 Kiva Gift Certificate, 1 book copy and as much shameless promotion of our authors and their featured charity/volunteer project as we can get away with. In addition a brief author bio will appear in the book along with a link (live links in ebook versions) to the author’s choice of a volunteer project to promote. Author’s payments and gift certificates will be mailed (or sent via Paypal for authors outside the USA) between January 15 and January 31, 2011. Books will be shipped 2-4 weeks prior to the release date.

Deadline for Submissions: August 1, 2010
Pub Date: March 3, 2011

Acceptance notification

Authors whose stories are accepted for publication as a chapter in this collection will be notified via email on or before September 1, 2010. A written release will be attached to the notification and must be signed and returned to Dog’s Eye View Media by September 15, 2010.

Who may submit articles/stories?

Dog’s Eye View Media welcomes novice writers along with seasoned professionals. Submissions must be well crafted, edited and nonfiction. Submissions from voluntourism industry professionals, travel providers, guides and the like are welcome, providing they are not advertorials for your company or programs.


We are looking for the best stories of voluntourism and the editor, Nola Lee Kelsey, loves diversity. Think outside the box. Focus on a moment in time that changed your life or rant about a humorous misadventure in its entirety. Offer advice or provide solace. Have you led volunteer groups and seen perceptions altered in mass? Traveled with a teen? Taught tennis to the blind? Did you build a project from the ground up? This book will be similar in scope to the front half of The Voluntary Traveler: Adventures from the Road Best Traveled. Buy or flip through a copy at your local Borders Bookstore if you’d like to get a feel for the diversity reflected in the chapters from the original book. However, we are setting the bar much hirer that in previous publications, so respect the craft of writing and take the time to do it well.

Sending it in

Submissions are accepted via email only (attached as an MS Word formatted doc) and must include the authors name, email address, country of residence, bio up to 150 words and a link to the nonprofit or volunteer program you would like to promote. Don’t feel you have to promote yourself as a writer if you are not one. If you are a teacher or cowboy who was just inspired to tell a story that is great. Ordinary readers will enjoy the connection to everyday people.

Submit your work to:

If you have read all the above information and have further questions about sending a submission please contact:

(More information HERE.)
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