3rd International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (and other calls for submissions)

28 May 2010
3rd International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (and other calls for submissions)
The 3rd International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling

The 3rd International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, in conjunction with New Media Scotland, welcomes proposals for performance and short duration installation art works that employ digital text and interactivity as their primary artistic components. Submitted works should engage computational techniques as essential in their ontology. This includes works that employ generative, interactive, networked and/or hypermedia techniques. It does not include works which could exist without the computer being involved in their production and diffusion.

The performance event will be held on Halloween. The proposals may wish to engage the spirit of this festival.

Submissions should include a 300 word abstract describing the conceptual, artistic and technical details of the proposed work and a separate biographical statement (no more than 300 words). The technical description should include clear indication of technical and other resource requirements, duration and space requirements. Where possible the conference will seek to ensure that the necessary equipment and resources will be available for accepted works, although this will depend on the requirements of each individual project. Documentation of the proposed work, either of prior instances of its presentation or simulations, are required. This can consist of a web page containing the material, with the URL address indicated in the abstract, or a DVD or CD appended to the proposal. The submission must be made at the full cost of the proposer. Any proposal that incurs cost for the conference will be rejected. Proposals will be reviewed by a sub-committee of the conference programme committee. Accepted proposals will, after notification, be negotiated with the proposer(s) to assure their optimal presentation and the fit of each work in the overall programme of the evening performance event. Along with a peer reviewed selection of works a small number of key practitioners in the field will be invited to present their work as keynote works.

More information here.

The Expeditioner Book

After some serious head scratching, doomed Skype conferences, and intoxicated e-mails, we here at TheExpeditioner.com have decided to do what any good online publication does: revert to print (sort-of). Coming this fall we will be publishing our very own book. This book will be full of pages, and these pages will be full of travel writing, and we are looking for great travel writers like yourself to contribute. Our goal is simple and purposely broad: to produce a creative, off-beat, edgy group of travel stories that stands out from the run-of-the-mill travel anthology (no offense to run-of-the-mill travel anthology publishers). We are welcoming submissions in all formats (long articles, short articles, poems, haikus), and we will accept pieces that have been published elsewhere (as long as you retain the rights). Deadline for submissions will be June 15, 2010, and can be e-mailed in Word or Google Docs format to: Matt.Stabile [a] TheExpeditioner.com. More information here.

The Tarot Guild

We currently have three books in the works and we are actively seeking submissions. These first three books will be anthologies. The first is The Tarot Guild Anthology Vol1. This book will consist of articles, reviews, spreads, art work, and opinion pieces from multiple authors. For new Tarot authors and artists, this is an excellent opportunity to get published, perhaps for the first time, with their work right next to the work of established authors and artists. The next is Tarot Cooks. Tarot and food ...what could be better! ;o) This with be an anthology of recipes. If you'd like, you can correlate your recipe to a Tarot card or cards, or share connected Tarot musings along with your recipe/s, or even re-name your recipe with a clever Tarot-related title. The third book is going to be an anthology of Tarot spreads. We are looking for new, unique spreads that are previous unpublished or only published in limited distribution. For more information and to make a submission, contact our Director of Communications, Janet Boyer, GCTM: janet@tarotguild.com. More information here.
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