SMARTHINKING, Inc. is hiring motivated individuals to serve as part-time online writing tutors starting August/September 2010. A Washington, D.C.-based education organization, SMARTHINKING, Inc. provides real-time, online tutoring and learning support to colleges, universities, high schools, and textbook publishers.
Candidates can work from any location with computer and Internet access. Tutors typically work anywhere from 8 to 29 hours a week. To qualify, individuals must have substantial teaching/tutoring experience in composition and an enthusiasm for online education. The ideal candidate will have training and/or experience in one or more of the following areas: MA or Ph.D. coursework or degree in rhetoric, composition, literature, and/or English education; specialty coursework, degree, or teaching/tutoring experience in English as a Second Language (ESL); and/or teaching experience in developmental and first-year English composition courses.
For immediate and confidential consideration, please e-mail a cover letter and resume with references to Please put "WRITING.CL.4/10" in the subject heading and attach your documents in .doc, .docx, .rtf or .pdf format.
For more information, please visit
Candidates can work from any location with computer and Internet access. Tutors typically work anywhere from 8 to 29 hours a week. To qualify, individuals must have substantial teaching/tutoring experience in composition and an enthusiasm for online education. The ideal candidate will have training and/or experience in one or more of the following areas: MA or Ph.D. coursework or degree in rhetoric, composition, literature, and/or English education; specialty coursework, degree, or teaching/tutoring experience in English as a Second Language (ESL); and/or teaching experience in developmental and first-year English composition courses.
For immediate and confidential consideration, please e-mail a cover letter and resume with references to Please put "WRITING.CL.4/10" in the subject heading and attach your documents in .doc, .docx, .rtf or .pdf format.
For more information, please visit