Institute for Comparative Literature and Society Postdoctoral Fellowship 2010-2011

24 April 2010
Institute for Comparative Literature and Society Postdoctoral Fellowship 2010-2011
The Institute for Comparative Literature and Society invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship through the new International Network to Expand Regional and Collaborative Teaching (INTERACT) program at Columbia University, being launched during the 2010-2011 academic year. The fellowship will cover a 10-month period beginning August 1, 2010, and comes with a stipend of $45,000 plus benefits.


INTERACT is a pioneering program at Columbia University that focuses on developing global studies in the undergraduate curriculum through a network of postdoctoral scholars focused on cross-regional, trans-regional, and interdisciplinary study. A total of six Columbia University INTERACT Postdoctoral Fellowships will be offered in the 2010-2011 academic year, with candidates selected by centers and institutes across the University. Candidates will function as liaisons between their home office and the INTERACT network of scholars with other regional and disciplinary specializations.

INTERACT’s primary goal is to improve global literacy among Columbia students and equip them to be leaders in a globalizing world. These objectives will be met through innovative courses, participating in institute programs and events and an annual educator workshop organized collaboratively by INTERACT Fellows.

About ICLS

The Institute for Comparative Literature and Society (ICLS) was founded at Columbia University in 1998 to promote a global perspective in the study of literature, culture, and their social and historical context. It houses the interdepartmental undergraduate and graduate programs in Comparative Literature and Society and draws its faculty from the humanities, the social sciences, and the Schools of Architecture and Law.

ICLS is pleased to offer one INTERACT Fellowship to an outstanding scholar who pursues comparative research, with evident multilingual and interdisciplinary aptitude as well as a demonstrated emphasis on global contexts and connections, either in literary studies or the social sciences, broadly speaking.


The Institute for Comparative Literature and Society’s INTERACT Fellows will devote half their time to teaching and working with other Fellows on INTERACT programming, and half their time to their own research and writing. The Fellow’s curricular responsibility would be to develop one course each semester (Fall 2010 and Spring 2011), preferably in coordination with Columbia’s developing Global Core Curriculum (for more information see: Each Fellow is required to be in residence in the New York City area and participate in all activities of the INTERACT program collaborative.


As one of the Institute’s primary goals is to provide institutional support for the best in cross-disciplinary and cross-regional comparative work, we encourage applications from a wide variety of humanities and social science disciplines.

Recipients of the Fellowship must have received their Ph.D. degree within the past four years (Spring 2006 and after).

Recipients must complete all their Ph.D. requirements (completed and filed the dissertation) by June 30, 2010.

Application Process

The following list of materials is required for all applicants:

· Instruction Sheet
· Completed Application Form
· Curriculum vitae

· Course proposal: 2-3 page proposal for two undergraduate courses to be offered at Columbia University. These courses are to be offered without prerequisites, and must emphasize cross-border, trans-regional, and interdisciplinary approaches. These course proposals are meant to convey a sense of your teaching interests beyond the special field of your research.

· Research proposal: 2-3 page statement describing the research project you would pursue at Columbia University if awarded a fellowship, indicating its relation (if any) to your doctoral dissertation, as well as its relation to the mission of ICLS.

· Letters of recommendation: 3 letters of reference (signed and sealed) that include an evaluation of your research and teaching proposals.

· Previous Education: Indicate on your curriculum vitae each college and university you have attended, with the inclusive dates. Have a copy of the transcript of your graduate record sent to INTERACT Postdoctoral Fellowship, The Director, Institute for Comparative Literature and Society, Heyman Center, Mail Code 5700, Columbia University, 2960 Broadway, New York, NY 10027.

All application materials (including letters of reference) should be postmarked on or before May 15, 2010. Faxed or emailed applications will not be accepted. Candidates may be invited for a phone interview. All evaluations made in connection with applications received are confidential.

Awards will be announced no later than June 2010. The 2010-2011 Institute INTERACT Postdoctoral Fellowship is contingent on successful Title VI funding from the Department of Education.

Please return completed applications to:

INTERACT Postdoctoral Fellowships
The Director, Institute for Comparative Literature and Society
Heyman Center, Mail Code 5700
Columbia University
2960 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

The 2010-2011 Instruction Sheet and Application Form can be accessed here.

To obtain application materials or for more information on the INTERACT Postdoctoral Fellowships, please contact Catherine LaSota, ICLS Assistant Director, at (212) 854-4541 or clasota at

Tentative Application Deadline : 15 May 2010
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