Call for Submissions: Tayo Literary Magazine's Annual Issue 2012 - 2013 (Philippines/ diaspora)

25 July 2012
Call for Submissions: Tayo Literary Magazine's Annual Issue 2012 - 2013 (Philippines/ diaspora)
Deadline: 9 September 2012 (midnight)

TAYO Literary Magazine is an annual arts and literary journal published by TAYO Arts and Culture, a nonprofit community arts organization whose mission is to advance the understanding of the diverse cultural identity of Filipino Americans. With its annual print magazine and bi-monthly online component, along with TAYO readings and events, TAYO Arts and Culture is dedicated to the creation, cultivation and promotion of Filipino-American arts and culture.

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES for Annual Issue 2012–2013

All are welcomed to submit, regardless of ethnicity and age.

  • All materials submitted are considered for both our online and print magazines.
  • By submitting you are allowing TAYO Literary Magazine to reproduce your work.
  • The same rules apply to our online edition. We accept submissions only through our online submissions manager.
  • We are interested in work that touches on themes including—but not limited to—the Filipino and Filipino-American experience, identity, memory, family, culture, history, trauma, and dislocation.


TAYO Literary Magazine does not charge a fee for submitting. As such, we cannot afford to pay a monetary sum to any of our contributors at this time.

Your submissions go a long way in supporting the arts in the Asian American community, especially through inspiring younger artists, helping them to find their audience, to find their voice.
  • Fiction (Size limit: 3500-4000): Short stories, experimental or interpretive works of fiction, flash fiction, and micro-fiction pieces.
  • Creative Nonfiction (Size limit: 3500-4000): Memoirs, reportage, letters and essays.
  • Poetry (3-9 poems): Narrative, prose, or lyrical poetry, free verse, eastern or western poetic forms, or works meant as spoken word are under our poetry category.

  • A cover page with your Name, Contact Information, and Genre of Piece.
  • A query letter.

REMEMBER: for our submission process, please keep the cover page as a separate page from your literary work.


For submissions: via submittable

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