Deadline May 15 | Proppian Writing Workshop: Write for Kids and Young Adults (SBCWI Philippines)

08 May 2012
Deadline May 15 | Proppian Writing Workshop: Write for Kids and Young Adults (SBCWI Philippines)
Deadline for registration: 15 May 2012


A Proppian SCBWI-CCP Workshop for Children’s & YA Book Writers

Tanya Tynjälä, writer, freelance journalist, cultural promoter, translator, and language and intercultural communication teacher in French and Spanish. Vladimir Propp, Soviet formalist scholar (1895-1970).

When: 2012 May 26 Saturday, 8 am to 5 pm. Where: Cultural Center of the Philippines. Host: Philippine chapter, Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators (SCBWI) and the Cultural Center of the Philippines

Tanya Tynjälä (SCBWI Peru/Finland) will conduct a workshop on writing stories for children and young adults. Open to anyone age 18 years and above who is a published or aspiring writer, or who teaches or wants to teach creative writing for children and young adults.

Tanya’s workshop will be based on the work of Soviet formalist scholar Vladimir Propp who analyzed the basic plot components of Russian folk tales to identify their simplest irreducible narrative elements. Tanya will start with a short introduction on theory; the rest of the day will be devoted to group and individual exercises.

Tanya has been a member of the Los Angeles based Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators (SCBWI) since 2011. She is a writer, freelance journalist, cultural promoter, translator, and language and intercultural communication teacher in French and Spanish. She has published a science fiction novel for young adults, La Ciudad de los Nictálopes (Editorial NORMA, 2003, Bogotá, Colombia), and a fantasy novel also for young adults, Cuentos de la Princesa Malva (Editorial NORMA, 2008, Lima, Perú) based on the work of Propp.

Tanya was born in Peru and currently resides in the Philippines. She works as publications manager of ADB Newsflash, the magazine of the Asian Development Bank Spouses’ Association. She lived in Finland for ten years and taught language and culture in its Aalto University. She studied at the Escuela Normal de Monterrico in Lima, Peru, and later on pursued her Master’s degree in French as a Foreign Language at the Stendhal University, Grenoble 3 in France. At present, she is finishing her doctorate in French language and literature at the University of Helsinki. Website:

Registration Fee: This includes lunch, is transferable, but nonrefundable. P800 until April 20, P1000 after April 20 until May 15, P1200 after May 15. P100 additional discount for SCBWI members.

Register now! Limited slots only. Pre-registration is required, no reservations or walk-ins allowed. Registration will close when all slots are filled.

To register: Email to cc the following information: (1) Complete Name; (2) Age (must be over 18); (3) Occupation; (4) Organization; (5) Mailing Adddres; (6) Email Address (only one please, which is the email address you are using to contact us); (7) Mobile Number; (8) Landline (optional); (9) Have you written or illustrated a published children’s or YA book? If yes, give the book’s title, publisher, and place and date of publication. (10) In one sentence, tell us what you hope to get out of this workshop.


For inquiries: cc

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