Deadline May 15 | Call for Submissions: Contemporary Literary Review India

08 May 2012
Deadline May 15 | Call for Submissions: Contemporary Literary Review India
Deadline: 15th of the preceding month

Contemporary Literary Review India seeks submission in the categories of films: film reviews, film interpretation, film techniques, film introspection and anything related with film.

Contemporary Literary Review India (CLRI) is an online literary journal in English and publishes a wide variety of creative pieces including poems, stories, film reviews, book reviews, essays, criticism, arts, and photography of the best quality of the time from around the world.

Contemporary Literary Review India aims to promote writers and their writings. To achieve this CLRI is made available online for free, in more than 10 digital formats and with many eStores worldwide, and in the print edition. Contemporary Literary Review India print version has ISSN 2250-3366. CLRI has become one of the leading literary journals in a very short period.

Submission Genre: Film

Submission Criteria: Submit ample number of photos along with your writings. Your writing should display analytical approach.

Format: The length of the article should be about 1000 words, in Times New Roman font, 12 font size, single space, Microsoft Word document 2003 version (.doc) as attachment.

Deadline: Before 15th of each month to be included in the issue of the next second issue.


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